
21 Benefits of Chiropractic Spine Adjustments March 2020

By Nicolas Rivera

March 14, 2020

Although millions of people around the world have experienced the benefits, there is still a lot of misconception about it. Many people visit a chiropractor because they are in pain, have poor posture, seeking injury prevention or pain relief. Our goal is to educate you on the benefits of the chiropractic spine adjustment, so you in turn can educate others. Do you often experience stiffness and pain in your back? If so, then you may want to try a noninvasive and effective treatment called chiropractic spine adjustment. This type of pain treatment is an entirely drug-free path for your comfort and relief from back pain.

During this type of chiropractic spine adjustment, a chiropractor will carefully realign the vertebrae in your spinal column through a series of therapeutic movements. Most people who have had this procedure say that it provides myriad benefits without having to go through the hassle, stress, and cost of surgery or other invasive treatments.

Let’s talk about some of the most important benefits of undergoing a chiropractic adjustment:


Migraine and tension headaches are two of the most common conditions treated by chiropractic spine adjustment. Many patients have reported that chiropractic treatment has helped to reduce the frequency and severity of their tension headaches and migraines.

One study found that 25% of individuals who had chiropractic spine adjustment to treat their severe headaches had a 90% drop in the number of their headache attacks. The same study also revealed that 50% of the respondents had a significant reduction in the intensity of their headache pain.


In a study published in the Journal of Human Hypertension, chiropractic spine adjustment were found to have the same effect in improving blood pressure as blood pressure maintenance medicines. Many medical professionals prefer this noninvasive treatment over the medicinal approach due to the adverse side effects of medications, which can include fatigue, nausea, anxiety, and dizziness.


In a British study, 185 patients experiencing neck pain were randomly selected to undergo either chiropractic spine adjustment, general practitioner care, or physiotherapy for 52 weeks. The results showed that chiropractic treatment had a faster recovery time than general practitioner care or physiotherapy.

Similarly, a study published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics revealed that almost 60% of low-back pain patients showed more significant improvements after treatment from chiropractors as compared to treatment from general practitioners.


Inflammation is one of the top reasons for the development of muscle tension, joint issues, and pain. chiropractic spine adjustment have been proven to help reduce chronic inflammation, thereby relieving lower back pain and joint pain.


A chiropractic spine adjustment is a multifaceted treatment that can target many different areas of your health. Whether you have chronic back pain, headaches, or body aches due to nerve pain, a chiropractor can manipulate your spine in such a way that the nerves in your spinal cord can be calmed down – so your pain can be reduced.

Be sure to tell your chiropractor about your current medications, medical history, surgical treatments, and lifestyle factors. This way, they will be able to tailor your treatment plan based on your situation appropriately.

If you would like to find out whether a chiropractic spine adjustment may help relieve your pain, schedule a consultation with our team at Burnsville Chiropractor. We offer chiropractic spine adjustment– with a total health and wellness approach.

Call us today at (952) 224-9501 or visit our contact page for more information. We look forward to being the Chiropractic of choice for you and your whole family.

21 Benefits you might not have known from chiropractic spine adjustment:

  1. Improves joint mobility, function and health.
  2. Makes tight muscles loose and loose muscles tight and improves the contractibility (thereby strength) of the muscle.
  3. Decreases degeneration of the joint and connective tissues (arthritis).
  4. Decreases the on-­-going inflammatory process associated with the subluxation.
  5. Improves circulation taking stagnant blood out and bringing new blood in.
  6. Speeds up the recovery process.
  7. Improves nerve system function and the individual nerve’s ability to carry nerve impulses more efficiently.
  8. Strengthens the immune system.
  9. Improves individual organ system function (heart, lung, sinuses, digestive, etc).
  10. Improves a person’s disposition (they’re more FUN to be around).
  11. Calms a hyperactive mind and energizes a depressed mind.
  12. Increases energy, vitality and improves sleep.
  13. Relieves/Improves Prenatal Discomfort
  14. Decreases length of labor and associated back pain.
  15. Decreases the adverse effects of stress.
  16. Improves athletic performance (for ANY sport).
  17. Improves Quality of Life by enhancing the enjoyment/fulfillment of a person’s Key Values
  18. Prevention ability for sickness, disease and pain.
  19. Improves overall health and wellness for infants and children.
  20. Improves cognitive ability (ability to THINK more clearly).
  21. Oh…and it DECREASES PAIN!

For more information on the benefits of chiropractic and how they can help you please contact one of our many locations to schedule a consultation.


Sciatica is a type of pain affecting the sciatic nerve, the large nerve extending from the low back down the back of the legs. Other natural therapies don’t always offer relief and most people want to avoid steroid injections and surgery, so they turn to chiropractic spine adjustment.

A double-blind trial reported in the Spine Journal compared active and simulated chiropractic spine adjustment in people with sciatic nerve pain. Active manipulations involved the patient laying down and receiving treatment from a chiropractor. Stimulated chiropractic spine adjustment involved electrical muscle stimulation with electrodes placed on the skin to send electrical pulses to different parts of the body.

The researchers determined active chiropractic spine adjustment offered more benefits than stimulated. The people who received active chiropractic spine adjustment experienced fewer days of moderate or severe pain and other sciatica symptoms. They also reported no adverse effects.

Neck Pain

One study reported in the Annals of Internal Medicine looked at different therapies for treating neck pain. They divided 272 study participants into three groups: one that received chiropractic spine adjustment from a chiropractic doctor, a second group given over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers, narcotics, and muscle relaxers, and a third group who did at-home exercises.

After 12 weeks, patients reported a 75% pain reduction, with the chiropractic spine adjustment group achieving the most improvement. About 57% of the chiropractic group achieved pain reduction, while 48% received pain reduction from exercising, and 33% from medication.

After one year, 53% of the drug-free groups continued to report pain relief compared to only 38% of those taking pain medications.


Cervicogenic headaches and migraines are commonly treated by chiropractors. Cervicogenic headaches are often called secondary headaches because pain is usually referred from another source, usually the neck. Migraine headaches cause severe, throbbing pain and are generally experienced on one side of the head. There are few non-medicinal options for managing both types of chronic headaches.

Research reported in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics suggests chiropractic care, specifically chiropractic spine adjustment, can improve migraines and cervicogenic headaches.

Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder affects the shoulder joint and involves pain and stiffness that develops gradually and gets worse. Frozen shoulder can be quite painful, and treatment involves preserving as much range of motion in the shoulder as possible and managing pain.

Clinical trial reported in the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine described how patients suffering from frozen shoulder responded to chiropractic spine adjustment. Of the 50 patients, 16 completely recovered, 25 showed a 75 to 90% improvement, and eight showed a 50 to 75% improvement. Only one person showed zero to 50% improvement. The researchers concluded most people can get improvement by treating frozen shoulder with chiropractic treatment.

Preventing Need for Surgery

Chiropractic care may reduce the need for back surgery. Guidelines reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association suggest that it’s reasonable for people suffering from back pain to try spinal manipulation before deciding on surgical intervention.

Low Back Pain

Studies have shown chiropractic spine adjustment, including spinal manipulation, can provide relief from mild to moderate low back pain. In fact, spinal manipulation may work as well as other standard treatments, including pain-relief medications.

A 2011 review of 26 clinical trials looked at the effectiveness of different treatments for chronic low back pain. What they found was that spinal manipulation is just as effective as other treatments for reducing back pain and improving function.