
3 Tips To Help You Get A Better Night’s Sleep

By Cheif Editor

June 19, 2020

Do you feel exhausted at times during the day but struggle to get to sleep when bedtime comes around? Maybe you have no issue drifting off to sleep but find that you are wide awake only a few hours later.

Lack of sleep is not only frustrating but can lead to a lack of concentration and mood swings, which can affect things at work and at home.

If counting sheep isn’t quite cutting it, it’s perhaps time to try some alternative methods in a bid to get your sleeping pattern back on track. Here are 3 tips to help you get a better night’s sleep.

Minimize the use of electronics

If you enjoy catching up on the latest activities of your favorite vlogger or watching the latest episode of a gripping new TV drama before going to sleep, it’s time to stop. Whilst going to bed with your tablet or iPad or switching on the TV might be something you look forward to, the stimulation to your brain will make it harder for you to get to sleep. You may think that it relaxes you and makes you feel sleepy, but it can have the opposite effect.

Instead, consider reading a book or listening to an ASMR podcast. It won’t take long to get into a new routine, and you may find that you get to sleep quicker and stay asleep for longer.

Give CBD oil a try

CBD is one of many cannabinoids found in various parts of a hemp plant. It is commonly known to provide many benefits for a variety of different ailments – one of which is sleep. We all have a complex cell system within our bodies called an endocannabinoid system. This system regulates various things including, (amongst others) memory, appetite, and, you guessed it – sleep. CBD acts as a natural boost to this cell system, thus promoting a better quality of sleep. CBD can be taken by adding a few drops to the tongue, or if you prefer something in more solid form, CBD capsules and gummies are also widely available.

Keep food and drink to a minimum

Broken sleep can be caused by eating and drinking fairly late in the evening. Although you might get to sleep without any issues, you may find that you are waking regularly during the night. This can be caused by undigested food lying on your stomach or the need to urinate. Minimizing your food and liquid intake should aid a continuous night’s sleep and help you feel refreshed the next day. Coffee in particular should be avoided as, due to its high caffeine content, it acts as a stimulant and is a well-known cause of broken sleep patterns. If you are thirsty and need to have a drink, try sipping on water instead. Granted, it’s not the most exciting of beverages, but if it helps you get a good night’s sleep it will be well worth the sacrifice.