
5 best proteins for muscle gain

By Nicolas Rivera

October 22, 2019

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Along with strength training, proteins are an essential element for gaining muscle mass. During this training time period, proteins should make up about 35% of the total calories of one’s diet. Carbohydrates and good fats are also required for energy. Cutting them out is not recommended. The process of your body storing protein is called protein synthesis. The more protein you eat, the better muscle gains as the body uses protein for hormones as well. Some of the proteins you need to bulk up for muscle mass building are;


Chicken is the most popular and effective protein diet. Most trainees prefer it over any other protein because it is the most flexible protein, which has so many different types of ways to cook it. It makes bulking up more exciting due to its varieties. With each 85-gram serving contains 26 grams of high-quality protein. It is the protein with the least fat content and low cholesterol and is the easiest to prepare.


Instead of making protein-packed recipes every day, you can now opt for whey powers instead. They are a rich source of protein, which saves you from the hassle of cooking new dishes every day, to suit your liking. It is mostly used with milk to create a protein shake. Two glasses of this protein shake will give you a boost of protein to power through a high-intensity workout. It is now the quickest and most convenient way of muscle building. Now they are easily available at any online store like Myprotein. Just one click and it will be delivered to your doorstep. No need to plan or put in extra effort in making a protein-filled dish anymore. Protein Whey powers are a quick fix and the most preferred source of protein now.



It is recommended to pick lean meat with a little amount of fat if your goal is to bulk up. It contains iron and zinc, two crucial muscle-building nutrients. It is also the number-one source of creatine—your body’s energy supply for pumping iron. It can be added to your daily diet with rice as a side dish as they both are high protein foods that complement one another and make a delicious dish as well, making taste and health blend in together.


What’s your favorite fish dish? Salmon, tuna or prawns? Great news for fish lovers! Your favorite dishes are a great help to gain muscle mass. So this is a great time to try out those salmons recipes you have saved but have never tried. Fish contains Omega-3 fatty acids, with which, many other health benefits help with building muscle as well. It is a healthy choice and contains B vitamins, which have countless benefits like healthy eyes, nails, and hair.


Eggs are the perfect source of protein. Adding eggs to your daily meals will benefit you in ways you cannot even think of. It contains good fats, nine different kinds of amino acids, vitamin D and has a high protein level. It is definitely your go-to product if you want to gain muscle mass. It also helps with fat breakdown and muscle contraction. People avoid this essential protein due to the misconception of it causing heart diseases and high cholesterol. It is a misconception only. Natural organic products benefit your health only rather than causing any harm to it. So, add this to your daily diet and notice the energy boost and how you’re able to lift more. People who are allergic to eggs can opt for other options like milk.