
5 Rules to Live By When It Comes To Wearing Clothes for Yoga

By Nicolas Rivera

November 02, 2018

The first time you sign up for a Yoga class, you always get a vague suggestion for your yoga apparel that goes something like this – “wear something loose and comfortable”. Sure, you can hack that! But, it won’t take long for you to realise that dressing up for Yoga is a little more complicated than putting on a loose t-shirt and tights or shorts. Similar to other physically demanding exercises, the right workout apparel makes a huge difference. Not only will the right yoga clothes help you work out in the best optimal levels, but it also gives consideration and respect to your instructor and the rest of the class.

Here are five rules for your yoga clothing, from top to toe.

  1. Tame your Top

Comfortable clothing does not necessarily mean loose. Considering you’ll be doing a lot of headstands or Downward Dog routines, baggy t-shirts and top will end up exposing your tummy each time you take your position. Your tank-top or t-shirt shouldn’t be too low cut, either – the best yoga tops should be long enough and well fitting to keep you covered regardless of which yoga positions you are doing. You can find the perfect compression tank and t-shirts which provide the needed support at an Online Yoga Shop.

  1. Wear the Right Bra

Just because Yoga is considered a low impact type of exercise, it does not mean that you can pick any bra from the closet and wear it to class. All bras with a wire in it can be very uncomfortable when doing stretching and extending routines. A sports bra, on the other hand, gives you extra coverage, controls moisture and offers abrasion resistance which is especially crucial for intense yoga like Bikram or Hot Yoga.

  1. Let it all Breathe

One of the fundamental pillars of Yoga is correct breathing – and this does not only apply to your lungs, but to your skin as well. Yogi’s sweat, a lot. You want to make sure that you always wear thin fabrics with excellent moisture management. Your yoga clothes should wick sweat away from your body while offering antibacterial protection against odours. The yoga apparel should also be soft against your skin.

  1. Yoga Pants

Avoid loose shorts at all costs (especially the guys) for the same reasons you’d avoid baggy t-shirts. Short shorts are not a good choice for yoga clothing since they tend to bunch up as you move, forcing you to tug them down all the time. The best yoga pants you should go for include;


  1. Take Care of Your Calves

Yogis mostly work out barefoot. However, if you’re prone to discomforts like soreness or calf cramps, then you should consider getting a pair of compression calf sleeves that roll up all the way to the ankle. These will keep you warm and also help your feet to move with full flexibility.