
5 Tips for Staying Fit and Healthy All Year Round

By Nicolas Rivera

December 07, 2019

We’re constantly flooded with information about what it takes to be fit, healthy, and in shape. But how do you separate the good from the bad and everything else in between?

In a world that’s, dare we say, too focused on looks and maintaining an unrealistic standard of beauty, we’re here to bring you a few simple truths that will help further your health and wellness this year.

Our top 5 tips for staying fit and healthy all year round isn’t about going on any kind of crazy diet, following a strict cleanse, or committing to completing a marathon. According to Fit Healthy Momma, fitness, exercise and eating healthy should be a lifestyle commitment.

Instead, we’re bringing you 5 actionable tips that you can focus on all throughout the year that are easy to implement and will do wonders for your mind and body.

So, wherever you are in your journey to a healthier, fitter, more energetic version of yourself, these tips will help get you going in the right direction.

1. Drink Water

This one sounds like a no brainer, but it’s shocking how many people aren’t getting in the proper amount of water each day. Our bodies need water; it helps us to grow, thrive, flush out toxins, and so much more.

If you aren’t already, start making it your goal to drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water every single day. So, if you weigh 150 pounds, aim for 75-100 ounces of water each day.

This may feel daunting if you’re not used to drinking that much water, so start small. Don’t overwhelm yourself and think that you need to chug water around the clock. Set small, incremental goals and increase your intake every time you reach a new goal.

And yes, you will have to use the restroom more often, it’s actually a good thing and something you’ll get used to.

2. Move Your Body for 30 Minutes Every Day

Do you need to go out running every morning, take an intense spin class, or kick your butt with a brutal HIIT workout? No, not unless you want to, of course.

Here’s the thing, we’re often tricked into thinking that starting an exercise regime means that we need to hit the gym hard, but that’s not the case. If you’re someone who’s new to fitness and exercise, take it slow!

Start by going for a walk for 30 minutes every day or dancing around the kitchen with your kids for half an hour; moving your body means just that—no matter what the movement looks like for you. You don’t even have to do it all at once, break it up into 3 10-minute walks if you want.

The point is to give yourself a minimal pressure goal of moving your body for 30 minutes per day, every day.

3. Eat a Well-Balance, Nourishing Diet

Again, no special diet, just fueling your body with foods that you feel good about. Choose foods that will bless your body and provide you with the energy and passion you need to get through your day.

That bag of potato chips or plate of cookies may sound tempting but stop and ask yourself if those choices will help fuel your body or if they’ll slow you down, filling you with regret and quite possibly a tummy ache.

We certainly don’t think anyone can be “perfect” all the time, that’s unrealistic. Eat a treat, have a sweet, indulge! But do so with intention. If you’re mainly choosing nutritious foods that make you feel good, you’re on the right track.

4. Prioritize Self-Care

Self-care has been a hot issue over the past couple of years with all the stress, burnout and hustle that we all feel the pressure to uphold. We’re not taking the time to take care of ourselves. Health and fitness are about much more than just the way you look, it’s the way you feel both physically and emotionally.

You may be in the best physical shape of your life, but you’re so tired, burned out and unfulfilled that it doesn’t even matter. This is where self-care comes in; you need to make it a priority in your life.

Stop thinking that taking care of yourself is selfish, in fact, it’s the opposite. As the saying goes: “you can’t pour from an empty cup.” This means, how can you give to your family, coworkers, and friends when you’re running on empty?

Make time to soak in a hot tub after work, put your headphones in and take a leisurely stroll, or gather your girls and hit the spa for a day. I promise you’ll feel refreshed, recharged, and so much more ready to tackle life.

5. Spend Time Doing Things You Enjoy

This tip for staying fit and healthy goes hand in hand with prioritizing self-care. It’s important that you take the time to do things you enjoy every day, even if that means spending 5 minutes reading from a book or half an hour watching Netflix.

Take some time to think about the activities that bring you joy. Do you love playing with your children? Does making a Target run give you all the giddy feels? Whatever brings you joy and peace, do more of that.

A fitter, healthier you starts with your determination to be the best version of yourself. We hope that these 5 easy tips have sparked your desire to make small, tangible changes to your life that will pay off big time and help you become the person you’ve always been destined to be.