Pain Relief

5 Ways to Relieve Muscle Pain

By Cheif Editor

September 10, 2020

Pain across the muscles and joints, usually after a workout, is normal. We’ve all woken up to immense pain after a great workout at the gym the previous day.

Feeling muscle pain or soreness means that you have damaged or torn your muscle tissue. This happens when you either start working out after some time without rigorous physical activity or when you increase the intensity of your workout. This damage triggers the body to start a repair process hence the inflammation you might identify around the injured area.

Naturally, people want to relieve pain the moment they first feel it and will go in search of a remedy that will act fast. To make it easier for you, we’ve created a list of 5 ways you can explore to help relieve muscle pain.

1. Use CBD Pain Relief Balm

CBD, or Cannabidiol, has amazing anti-inflammatory and pain relief properties. Cannabidiol as a compound, is used to make topical products such as creams and balms. Applying the product directly to the skin is a great alternative to ingesting it.

Once applied, CBD pain relief balm works by activating the endocannabinoid system. The compound binds cell receptors in muscle tissue thus helping alleviate both inflammation and muscle pain.

2. Hydrate During and After Your Workout

This may sound pretty straightforward considering it involves working out, but keeping your body hydrated is vital in dealing with muscle recovery. Water keeps fluids moving in your body which helps deliver nutrients to your muscles, detoxify your system off of waste products, and ease inflammation.

3. Stretch Your Body

Stretching for about 10 minutes before and after a workout is very important. It increases blood circulation and helps realign muscle imbalances. This reduces the risk of feeling body aches and pains which come up as a result of poor posture or tight muscles.

4. Do Light Exercises

A good way of dealing with muscle pain is to exercise lightly. Muscle pain or soreness is an indication that your muscles have been stretched. By doing light exercises such as brief cardio workouts, you get to engage your muscles. This helps keep them warm up, making it easier for you to recover.

5. Get Enough Body Rest

Your body needs to rest after a day’s work of grueling physical activity. Try and practice activities that give your body rest such as meditation or sleep. Try and get about 7 hours of sleep.

Relaxing your body will give it the opportunity to repair itself and restore the energy spent during a heavy workout.

No Pain, No Gain

If yesterday’s training is making your muscles yell out in pain today, you should take it as a good sign. Delayed onset muscle soreness, or DOMS, can be frustrating as it can cause a lot of discomforts.

The tips highlighted above are great ways of reducing muscle pain without having to take any medication. Try and practice methods that will suit your style of workout and are easy for you to commit to.

As uncomfortable as the workout might be, you should not let the muscle pain or soreness put you down. The longer you keep training, the less pain you are likely to feel after an intense workout!