
7 Reasons To Use an Elliptical Machine

By Nicolas Rivera

January 09, 2020

Using an elliptical workout machine has so many great benefits. In fact, many fitness enthusiasts believe that it is the best piece of workout equipment you can be using. The misconception is that elliptical machines don’t give a challenging enough workout. However, the benefits prove this myth to be false. Here are 7 reasons you should use an elliptical machine.

Less Joint Impact

One of the great things about using an elliptical machine is that you are putting less stress on your joints. When running regularly, your joints can suffer a great deal of pain over time. With the elliptical, your feet never leave the pads, so it offers a much friendly workout for your joints.

This makes the elliptical machine much more user-friendly for a larger population of people. People of older age or people with health disadvantages can more readily use this product as a part of their workout routine.

Unlike treadmills, the elliptical is careful on your knees. This makes the workout much more appealing compared to just running regularly. Also, the movement is guided for you, so is takes less effort on the joints.

Provides a Full-Body Workout

An elliptical machine works out multiple parts of the body. It utilizes your lower body and upper body through a cardio-intensive workout.

This is a great option for people choosing to have it as their piece of at-home workout equipment. Since it provides a full-body workout, there won’t be a need to buy any other products which will save you money in the long run.

Most people make the mistake of only placing their resistance on their lower body and go through the hand motions lightly. In order to get the full benefits of the full-body workout, place resistance on both your lower and upper body.

A great thing about doing a full-body workout like this is that you are able to synchronize your arm and leg movements. This results in more balance and more control over your movements. Therefore, you are getting better exercise overall with the elliptical.


Using an elliptical machine is easily one of the most effortless, easy-going workout equipment out there. It makes it easy to multitask while working out. You can catch up on tv shows, check your email, and do other stuff you need to get done.

On the elliptical, there is often space where you can sit your phone. This can come in handy when watching tv or videos, or just having a place to keep your phone when you want to focus only on your workout.

Sure, this could apply to many other pieces of workout equipment, but the elliptical lends itself most to multitasking.

Workout Programs

Many websites, apps, and other online resources have training and workout programs that show you different things you can do to maximize the use of your elliptical machine. This can include where to set resistance levels, heart rate control, and motivational videos.

These programs are also great for keeping you on track. It is hard to stay focused on your workout, so having something to keep you going is crucial.

A lot of these programs do cost money, but some are free as well.

The Max Trainer line of Bowflex elliptical workout equipment has heart rate monitors that measure your heart rate during your workout. Additionally, you are able to connect your phone through the Bluetooth feature. With the Bowflex app, there are videos to enhance your workout and show you specifically how to make the most of your elliptical.

Burn More Calories

When working out on an elliptical machine, you are actually putting in way more energy than you are noticing. It has been tested that the elliptical machine actually allows you to burn more calories in a lower amount of time. This is optimal for people not having enough time to workout or people who don’t like to work out.

This is due to the machine working out your whole body. Also, you are exercising more muscles which will result in a more toned look quickly. The muscles you are exercising include the glutes, hamstrings, quads, chest, back, biceps, triceps, and core muscles.

The amount of calories you burn depends on other factors such as weight and activity level. But, generally speaking, you can lose anywhere between 150 to 400 calories in only 30 minutes.

Able to Work Out After Injury

Whether you are a pro-athlete or you don’t work out at all, an elliptical is a great way to regain your movement. The workout provides a full range of motion – more than a treadmill or other machine would.

The elliptical provides a much more low-impact workout, so it doesn’t put a lot of stress on your joints or muscles. This makes it much easier to work out with and much less painful.

If you are someone who regularly works out, an elliptical is a great place to start when getting back into the swing of things.

Helps with Weight Loss

Weight loss is a pretty obvious benefit to any workout technique, but an elliptical machine has proven to be one of the most effective machines in losing weight. The exertion level is less than other machines, so you will have more energy to work out for a longer period of time.

It is able to burn fat and tone your muscles in your whole body. This will aid in weight loss and you can expect to see a difference in how you look in a short period of time.

Also, because the elliptical is easier to use than other equipment, you will be more likely to use it more often. It isn’t as exhausting and you can use it for a short period of time. If you use it more often, you can, of course, expect to lose more weight.


These were 7 reasons you should incorporate an elliptical into your fitness routine. Whether you practically live in the gym or a fitness newbie looking for an easy, but effective workout, the elliptical is the right piece of equipment for you. With all of the amazing benefits it provides, it should be easy to see that the elliptical is as effective as it is simple.