

By Nicolas Rivera

April 16, 2019

One can hardly deny that longer, darker, and fuller eyelashes aren’t something that everyone desperately wants. However, is there any way to do so without swiping multiple layers of mascara or going through the expensive procedures of getting eyelash extensions or false lashes? Well, there are quite a few proven ways that you can follow to enjoy the look you crave without taking the help of any of the above-mentioned ways.

Tips and tricks for you to follow

We have made a list of our favorite ways that can help you have exceptionally beautiful eyelashes. All you have to do is incorporate these strategies into your beauty regime and follow it daily. With time you will see you too have luscious and healthy lashes.

It might come as a shock to many of you, but this is undoubtedly the first step towards healthier eyelashes. Apply shea butter on your hands and rub them together. Gently massage your eyes with the shea butter. This will stimulate growth of the eyelashes. When you softly massage your eyelids, it improves the blood flow to your hair follicles. All the nutrients therefore get absorbed by the eyelashes. This will prevent breakage and thinning of the lashes.

You shouldn’t miss out on brushing your eyelashes. This promotes blood circulation and stimulates health growth. Clogged pores often prevent the growth of lashes but brushing them on a regular basis takes care of it too. All you need is a soft and clean eyelash brush. Gently brush your eyelashes in upward strokes. You need to do it every day to see results. Do it twice a day for five minutes each.

You can also use lash stimulators. It is bimatoprost ophthalmic solution that help to get longer eyelashes. You can use this type of stimulators twice in days with the help of brush within 12-14 weeks.You can get lash stimulator like careprost (bimatoprost ophthalmic solution) from this website generally call

This is a wonderful and quite remarkable way of taking care of eyelashes. Vitamin E has multiple properties and it takes care of your eyelash problem quite well. It possesses growing thicker eyelashes and healing properties. You can buy vitamin E in liquid form and apply it directly on your eyelashes to thicken and strengthen them.

Aloe Vera is high in Vitamin E and that is extremely important for the growth of your eyelashes. Using a cotton swab apply the fresh gel produced from Aloe Vera plants. Apply it before you go to sleep and then wash it off in the morning.

There is a direct connection between healthier, longer, and darker eyelashes and castor oil. This will promote the growth of your eyelashes and keep them nourished. If you are in need of dramatic and beautiful lashes the best answer is castor oil. Using a Q-tip apply it like mascara on your eyelashes. Do this on a regular basis for best results.

Your eyes an extremely sensitive areas of your body. It doesn’t take much time for the hair on your head to grow but the same rule doesn’t apply for eyelashes. That is why it is very important that you prevent any kind of scrubbing or rubbing. This will prevent the breakage of eyelashes. Another thing that you must remember is to remove your eye makeup after the end of the day. Do this by soaking a clean cotton ball coconut oil. It will serve dual purpose. Not only will it remove the eye makeup but also encourage the growth of your eyelashes and strengthen them.

Everything comes down to a simple fact of what are you feeding your body. Keep in mind that every effort of yours will fail if you don’t eat healthy and stay fit. When your diet is rich in minerals and vitamins then eyelash growth will happen naturally without the least effort from your side. Apart from following a balanced diet you also need to get plenty of exercise, and adequate rest. All of this will encourage your body, hair, and skin to stay strong. You will need a balanced quantity of both grains and protein to grow your eyelashes.

You can consume biotin supplements on a regular basis for best results. You need to follow the directions mentioned on the bottle for best results. The other name for biotin is Vitamin H. It is an extremely crucial part of several physiological processes. However, the role that it plays when the growth of hair and improving its thickness and texture is in question is outstanding. Often a deficiency of Vitamin E in your blood can cause hair loss and thinning of hair. Use of biotin will promote healthy hair growth.

Caring for eyelashes is as vital as taking care of the rest of your body. When you follow these remedies on a daily basis you are ensured of better, longer, darker, and fuller lashes.