
Weight management – Importance, effect on health, and when is weight loss bad

By Nicolas Rivera

December 07, 2019

Weight management is undoubtedly a crucial factor in maintaining a healthy life. With the increase in the number of lifestyle-related diseases and also increase in the incidence of such cases, one of the ways you can stay fit and fine is by having an optimum BMR or Basal Metabolic Rate, which is directly proportional to your weight.

In this article, let us find out three aspects related to weight control, namely,

  1. Why is it essential to maintain a healthy weight?
  2. How will obesity impact the health of an individual?
  3. When is weight loss, not a good idea?
  4. When should I consider Liposuction?

So, let us take one sub-topic at a time in the paragraphs that follow.

You will find that losing extra weight and maintaining an optimum one has several benefits and these can be listed in the following points-

Being obese is not a very good idea. Studies reveal that annually, as many as 2.8 million die due to complications that arise from being overweight or obese.

In the United States alone, according to CDC or Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, obesity adversely affects approximately 36.5 percent of people.

Obesity impacts your well-being in the following manner-

As such, if you are not able to control your weight, it is always a wise move to seek professional assistance. Maranatha Medical Plaza is a good center where you can approach the experts to lose weight in the best possible manner. That is because losing weight abruptly may not be a good idea always for all individuals, as the rate of metabolism differs from one person to another.

Undesired weight loss implies that you are exerting yourself more than you are consuming energy. Referred to as “negative energy balance,” unplanned weight loss can lead to the following-

As such, opting for a planned and healthy way of reducing your weight can “keep the doctor away.”