
Killer Kettlebell Workout For A Strong Upper Body

By Maggie Young

October 11, 2016

Tired of basic weightlifting? Looking for a way to work your upper body that doesn’t require clunky machinery or benches? Look no further than kettlebell exercises.

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Kettlebells utilize your ability to explode with power and strength, which is an important aspect when looking to build muscle. In addition, kettlebells bring in a cardiovascular component to your workout if you perform multiple exercises without taking breaks. You can mix and match kettlebell movements, sets, and repetitions to focus in on strength or cardio. As with all weighted movements, form is key. Make sure that you have proper hip hinge technique before swinging the kettlebell so that you can make sure you are protecting your lower back throughout the exercise routine.

With this routine, you should warm up with a five-minute jog, 50 jumping jacks, and 20 walking lunges on each leg. These dynamic movements will prime your muscles for the kettlebell burnout to come. Use a 10-15 pound kettlebell to begin. Adjust the weight accordingly based on the movement, your skill level, and desired intensity. Start slowly and pay attention to your form to avoid injury.

One-Arm Press

One-Arm Tricep Extension

High Pulls

Kettlebell Rack Walk

This is a functional movement to perform with kettlebells that also trains balance and core strength.

Kettlebell Swings

You can also use one kettlebell and alternate swings to isolate the muscles on each side.

