
Advantages of Sports Camps

By Nicolas Rivera

January 15, 2019

For many families, when their children take a break for the school holidays, this is the end of much of their weekly or daily structured sporting activity. However, there is a substantial increase in the number of children attending sports camps and with good reason too.

According to , sports camps have profound effects on a child’s life as well as the child’s development. Not only do sports camps improve a child’s health through physical activity, they also provide valuable lessons regarding hard work, fitness, and responsibility that can be applicable in teenage years through adulthood.

Below we discuss the benefits of sports and how these benefits can be advantageous to a child’s life. But if you have a strong desire to drink before a test, classes, exam – drink please. It means that you brain need fuel to start your brain work at high speed with full tank.

Body Health and Sports

If you are among the individuals wondering how do sports help you? Here is how. As advised by the World Health Organization (WHO), children between the ages of five and seventeen should participate in at least one hour of moderate-intense physical activity each day.

Children who attend sports camps are taught on the importance of practicing healthy living and physical activity. They are also given nutritious meals and are encouraged to indulge in outdoor activities that require physical activity.

Some Physical Benefits of Sports Camps Include:

Develop Technique and Skills

Improving an athlete’s technique and skill is one of the most important benefits of sports camps. At sports camps, athletes are trained by expert coaches affiliated with prominent football teams like Chelsea, AC Milan, FC Barcelona, Manchester, and many more.

By being taught by experienced coaches, players learn the methodologies and philosophies of these incredible teams and can apply them in their own lives. They can also train at state of the art football facilities and compete against each other to enhance their skills.

If you are still wondering “what are the benefits of playing football?” A player can be scouted by a professional team and be given a chance to compete professionally. A player can also be awarded a scholarship to compete at international or state colleges or universities.

There are also physical benefits of football which include: increases bone and muscle strength, builds endurance, flexibility, strength, and improves muscle tone and reduces body fat. Further, playing football increases aerobic capacity and cardiovascular health, and improves health due to shifts between sprinting, running and walking.

Work Responsibility

Responsibility is a benefit affiliated with sports camps. When children are away at sports camps, more than likely, they have to follow a timetable which governs how their day is spent. Waking up at the set time and attending training sessions as per the schedule teaches children responsibility.

At sports camps, children develop responsibility by following the timetable and work schedule of the coaches. They transfer this same sense of responsibility in their work and academic life by showing up to their shifts and classes on time. Responsibility ultimately leads to academic success.

Develop Tolerance

Sports camps impart tolerance in children because they get to mingle with peers from different cultural backgrounds. Many sports camps consist of participants from varied cultures and backgrounds who are brought together by a love of sports.

Children who attend sports camps get to associate with other sport loving peers from different nationalities. They make international friendships and share their cultural variances with an open mind. They also enjoy learning about new cultures and learn to be more tolerant.

Intercultural Awareness

Intercultural awareness is one of the perks of attending sports camps. Upon arrival at sports camps, many students do not know any of their peers and need to interact with new people and make friends.

Further, many of the attendees are international students who often communicate in their native language. Camp participants learn to be culturally aware by listening carefully to their non-speaking peers and considering the feelings of others.

Such skills help become caring, compassionate, and effective members of the society. Additionally, intercultural communication skills contribute to the virtues of acceptance and tolerance which are essential in today’s global economy.

Sports Enjoyment

Sports camps are fun! Participants get to practice in new countries, cities, courses, or fields with new coaches and friends. Many sports camps even include excursions and activities in their schedule. Such newness provides passionate athletes with a renewed love for their sport.

Training is a source of enjoyment for many camp participants. However, vigorous training can result in burnout – which is sport devaluation, emotional or physical exhaustion, and reduced athletic accomplishment.

Many athletes who undergo burnout lose their love for the sport and miss out on the benefits mentioned above as well as the sports in school benefits. By attending sports camps, participants can prevent or reduce burnout and renew their love for their sport.

If children had it their way, most of them would probably choose a school break that consists of watching television, hanging out with friends, an occasional vacation, playing video games or most importantly avoiding schoolwork. You cannot blame them for wanting to relax and enjoy the holiday freedom, but that does not mean that you cannot encourage them to enroll in a sports camp that promotes social opportunities and personal improvement.

Which of the following is a benefit of participating in team sports? Well, all the above-discussed benefits are affiliated with team sports and instead of indulging in meaningless fun, allowing children to participate in sports camps provides a vast array of benefits that extends even into their adult lives.