
Before Leaving for a Trip to the Tropical Countries Explore Preventive Tips for Malaria

By Nicolas Rivera

January 14, 2020

Malaria is almost no longer prevalent in the U.S.A.; however, you could still acquire the disease while traveling to other places. The U.S.A. has roughly 1,700 malaria cases each year from travelers and immigrants from tropical nations where malaria seems to be quite prevalent.

Malaria is supposed to be a serious tropical disease that is known to get transmitted through parasites. It proves to be life-threatening at times and claims over 445,000 lives every year including numerous children living in Africa. As per, malaria is quite a serious disease known to cause high fever, flu-like symptoms, and chills. You must seek medical intervention at once. If proper and prompt treatment is not done, things could become pretty precarious and may become life-threatening. You could get this fatal disease when you are touring different parts of the globe particularly, nations experiencing a warm tropical climate.

Malaria Diagnosis

Clinical diagnosis is a must when you notice malaria-like symptoms. Diagnosis is usually based on physical findings of the tests suggested by the physician and even the patient’s present symptoms. The initial symptoms associated with malaria are usually not specific and could be common with many other diseases. Clinical findings must be accompanied by a reliable lab test for malaria. You must get all malaria-specific diagnostic examinations done at a reliable and reputed pathological clinic that uses top quality lab equipment and glassware including high-quality blood collection tubes.

Determine Your Exact Risk Level

Once you know about the destination you are heading for, find out if you would be exposed to the mosquitoes and parasites. You may take into account certain factors such as the specific time of the year your visit would be happening, the duration of the visit, where you would be putting up there, and the activities you wish to participate in.

Consider Residing in well-screened Areas Especially at Night

Do not give in to the temptation of sleeping outside under the starry sky. Stay away from places frequented by mosquitoes such as standing water, lakes, waste dumps, and even tires. In the case, you are thinking of sleeping in a tent, check meticulously and ensure that the tent is secure and has no holes. Remember to stay indoors to the extent possible and get into the habit of keeping doors and windows closed.

Use Mosquito Repellents

Use a premium branded mosquito repellant or insect spray that contains pyrethroids particularly, during the evening, as well as, during the nighttime.

Opt For Long Sleeves

You must wear the right clothes. Choose long sleeve shirts and even trousers at night or in the evening to protect you from mosquito bites. It is better to dress up wisely without exposing any skin if that is at all possible. Moreover, you may consider treating your outfits with permethrin for added protection.

Conclusion: Always Try to Be Safe

Just in the case, you start experiencing flu-like symptoms within a year from your trip to a malaria-prone destination; you must at once seek an appointment with your doctor. Even though a malaria infection generally manifests itself within two weeks, there could be cases, when symptoms may take as long as a year to appear. Even when you have been careful and have taken all the precautions, you cannot rule out the risk of malaria.