
Benefits of Irvine Testosterone Replacement Therapy

By Nicolas Rivera

August 28, 2019

Recently, there has been much chatter about a new therapy focused on increasing men’s testosterone levels. There is much interest in the product which seeks to reverse adverse effects of modern living. Partly to blame might be the chemicals that we have in our food. Here, we talk about the benefits of Irvine Testosterone Replacement Therapy and if it is right for you.

Irvine Testosterone Replacement Therapy: What is Testosterone

Before we talk about the Irvine Testosterone Replacement Therapy, we must first understand exactly what testosterone is and why it is important to maintain a certain level of it for men.

As many are already familiar with, testosterone is the hormone which is created mainly in the testicular glands of men and in the adrenal glands and ovaries of women. The said hormone is extremely important to further development of masculine characteristics and, essentially, of their growth. On the other hand, testosterone comes in quite lesser amounts in women. The testosterone generation which increases by about 30 more times as we enter adolescence and further into early adulthood. After which, it would slightly drop for the next few years as it normally does. At a certain point, the total testosterone levels in your body will be slashed by 1%.

Here are some of the functions carried out by the testosterone in our body.

It might be wise for you to see your doctor should you have any concerns regarding a possibly low testosterone level. Since it is completely natural for men to have lower  testosterone levels as we reach a more advanced age, some of the listed symptoms which includes an increased body fat, decreased muscle mass, or, more popularly a chronic erectile dysfunction, may be a symptom to other conditions that you may be experiencing.

Irvine Testosterone Replacement Therapy – What are the Benefits

As you are reading this article, then you could be keen in trying to boost your levels of testosterone. The doctor may say that you do indeed have lower levels, or what is known in the medical field, as hypogonadism, or if he deems that you need to undergo a testosterone replacement therapy for any other conditions that may be a consequence of it. Should you have testosterone levels in normal levels, then an increase your testosterone levels could not give you any additional benefits at all. What will be outlined in this article are the benefits experienced by people who have undergone the therapy after being diagnosed of having lower levels of testosterone.

Irvine Testosterone Replacement Therapy: Benefit #1 – A Healthy Circulatory System

The function of our body’s circulatory system is already well known to all of us. Blood carries nutrients and oxygen to all the parts of the body. The heart, which is at the center of human function is part of the circulatory system. It is a well known fact that peak performance can be attributed to a circulatory system that works at peak performance. For instance, stamina is a trait that great relies on how fast oxygen can be delivered to the muscles upon respiration.

Red blood cells, which are the carriers in the circulatory system are produced in the bone marrow. A higher level of testosterone allows the bone marrow to increase its production to ensure that the human body has the right amount of blood running through the veins at any time.

Lower testosterone levels can adversely impact the circulatory system. This is why the condition sometimes lead to various diseases of the heart. Various studies have noted an improved circulatory system after reaching normal levels of testosterone after an Irvine Testosterone Replacement Therapy.

Testosterone is also the one responsible for increasing the muscle mass of the body. A leaner body mass will help in controlling the weight and help in increasing energy for daily activities. There are men who have lower testosterone levels who showed that the therapy has the ability to decrease the body fat mass while also increasing muscle size and the general strength of the person. It should be noted that there are some that did indeed have successfully maintained a better body fat ratio but failed to register any tangible increase in strength. It would be better to see for yourself first through proper exercise to determine the effects of the therapy after you have subjected yourself to it.