
Boost Your Confidence With a Cutting-Edge Tummy Tuck

By Cheif Editor

September 12, 2020

Over the course of a lifetime, quite a few variables can impact your abdominal contours. Everything from weight fluctuations to hormonal imbalances could result in excess skin throughout the midsection, localized pockets of stubborn fat, and damaged abdominal muscles. Those are a few of the reasons why so many people undergo the tummy tuck procedure every year. This popular surgery could transform your midsection and help you regain your confidence.

Benefits of Tummy Tucks

Even though there are many different steps that you can take to stay at a healthy weight, most people will gain some abdominal fat over the years. If you work hard, then you might be able to burn off most of that fat, but it will be very difficult to tighten loose skin and repair the underlying muscles. With abdominoplasty, all of those difficult issues can be treated during a single operation. As an added bonus, the results of this procedure could last for decades as long as you continue to stay within a healthy weight range.

To learn more about this operation, you will need to schedule a consultation with a cosmetic surgeon who has quite a bit of experience carrying out tummy tucks. You can also take a look at some tummy tuck before and after photos to get a better idea of what can be treated and what kind of results can be expected.

Your Personalized Operation

In the weeks leading up to your procedure, you must follow all of the pre-op instructions that are given to you by the surgeon. For the average patient, the goal is to remain as healthy as possible so that they have a lower risk of post-op complications. Remaining healthy is also going to shorten your recovery period. As for the surgery itself, the entire operation usually takes around two hours to complete, but your procedure might be longer if extensive work must be done.

Your abdominoplasty will most likely be carried out with a general anesthetic, and that means you are going to remember nothing of the procedure. Once you are fully asleep, your surgical team can then make a small incision just below the waistline before they begin to remove the excess skin and soft tissue. If the abdominal muscles are damaged, then those can be adjusted and repaired as well. Following your procedure, you should be able to return home within a few hours, but you will need to have a loved one drive you.

Is This Procedure a Good Option for Me?

As long as you are a healthy adult with realistic expectations, you will most likely be an excellent candidate. You should also be dedicated to staying within a healthy weight range. Gaining weight or becoming pregnant could have a huge impact on the results of your tummy tuck. That is why most surgeons suggest that patients stabilize their weight well before undergoing this procedure.