
Can CBD Help Smoking Cessation?

By Mubeen Yaqoob

November 16, 2020

Smoking is hard to quit because of the addictive nicotine present in tobacco. Tobacco contains poisonous substances, such as carbon monoxide and tar, that can build up in the blood and lungs and negatively affects one’s health. Moreover, the health risks from smoking are not only limited to the lungs, but many parts of the body, such as the brain, heart, mouth, and bones. Smokers usually turn to vape as an alternative to smoking, especially when they want to quit since it doesn’t contain tobacco. However, most vape juices contain nicotine, which is the addictive substance you want to avoid. Therefore, CBD Vape Oil is the best option because it is non-addictive but still makes you feel calm and relaxed.

How can CBD help people quit smoking?

CBD can help people quit smoking through a variety of ways that include:

A 2013 study by Morgan, Joye, Curran, and Kamboj tested the efficacy of inhaling CBD in smokers wanting to quit. The study was conducted for a week on 24 test subjects divided into two equal groups, a CBD group and a placebo group. Both groups were asked to use their specific CBD or placebo inhalants when they felt the urge to smoke. The results indicated that the CBD group smoked 40% less cigarettes while the placebo group saw no reduction in cigarettes smoked.

A 2018 study by Hindocha and colleagues tested whether CBD could reverse attentional biases in dependent smokers. Thirty dependent smokers were either given 800 mg oral CBD or a placebo before being shown images of cigarette cues. It was observed that the CBD group displayed a reduced salience and pleasantness to cigarette cues as compared to the placebo group.


Based on several studies, CBD has shown some promising results in helping with smoking cessation. Since it is non-addictive, safe to use and has various health benefits that are not limited to stress relief, such as reducing aches and pains and muscle soreness, there is no harm in trying CBD to quit smoking habits.
