Can Marijuana Use Help You Live Longer?

By Nicolas Rivera

December 23, 2019

For many centuries, humans have been searching for ideas to add years to their lives. Actually, the concept of immortality came from the beliefs of the ancient Egyptians. And, people used to pay homage to God to ensure continuity of life after death.

We are lucky to live in a time where people live longer than ever. Medical advances and improvements have significantly improved the life expectancy over the past centuries. But, the downside of living longer is higher chances of age-related conditions.

However, medical researchers have found that medical marijuana can help people live longer and enjoy better health. Read on to learn more about the topic.

Does Marijuana Make You Live Longer?

Marijuana contains over 100 cannabinoids. THC and CBD are the two most important cannabinoids, which provide a lot of health benefits.

In the 1990s, a study was conducted on rats shows that THC helped increase life expectancy, which could arise from various factors. These include appetite, body weight, stress, and anxiety.

The takeaway from this study is cannabis can have a significant impact on life expectancy. The plant’s cannabinoids possess ultimate medicinal properties. When you deliver cannabinoids into the body in any way, they interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system, thus improving health in various ways.

As people age, the chances of inflammation increase. This is because they are exposed to more toxins over time, thus leading to a lot of health problems. Oxidative stress can cause degenerative diseases and may damage DNA cells as well.

Also, with age, excessive body weight, stress, sleep disorders, etc. are common, and they increase the risks of chronic inflammation.

Marijuana use can help in reducing inflammation, slowing down the aging process, thus helping people live longer. The non-psychoactive compound CBD has amazing anti-inflammatory properties and it has gained popularity for chronic pain treatment.

Moreover, researchers have found that cannabis use can help reduce the risk factors for chronic inflammation. It helps in alleviating symptoms of stress and sleep disorders such as insomnia. There’s scientific evidence that CBD promotes weight loss and relaxation.

Cannabinoids found in marijuana act as powerful antioxidants for preventing oxidative stress. They work by interacting with free radicals, thus stopping them from damaging cells. Additionally, there’s scientific evidence that cannabinoids can help in treating various chronic and age-related illnesses such as heart disease and strokes. THC and CBD provide protective effects over nerve cells, thus treating neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease.

Cannabinoids are also effective in reducing the risks of developing cancer. How do they work? By increasing the rate of apoptosis—the process of damaging dead and old cells. This helps in preventing the development of tumors and stop spreading cancerous cells. Definitely, this helps in extending life.

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Effects of Marijuana Use on The Brain

Marijuana is also effective in improving neurological health. In particular, researchers have found that cannabinoids can help to reverse the aging effects on the brain. Here’s what researchers concluded exactly-

In a study published in 2017, researchers compared the brain activity of two groups—the mice that were given THC and the ones that weren’t given the cannabinoid. They found that THC helped in improving brain activity in mice.

Thus, cannabinoids can help in boosting brain activity and treating mental illnesses as well. For example, chemical compounds of marijuana can help boost mood, thus reducing anxiety and helping people get off negative thoughts.

Neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease can shorten life spans. Cannabis can help in managing symptoms of these disorders, thus extending life expectancy.

Does Marijuana Cause Any Harm?

Despite all potential benefits, marijuana may cause some risks. Smoking flowers can damage airways and air sacs in the lungs, and increase the risk of development of chronic inflammation as well.

However, to avoid risks associated with smoking, you can opt for non-smokable methods of marijuana consumption. Cannabis-infused products called edibles allow people to receive medicinal benefits without smoking. Edibles usually take longer than other methods to kick in, but their effects last longer.

Many don’t like high effects caused by THC. For them, consuming CBD is the best way to experience health benefits.

Moreover, some researchers have found that long-term marijuana use can worsen symptoms of various conditions. So, before starting medical cannabis treatment, make sure you talk to a doctor and see if your medical condition allows for the use of a  medical marijuana card in California and seek professional advice for what’s right for your condition.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, there’s a wide range of benefits associated with marijuana use such as reducing inflammation, anxiety, and alleviating symptoms of many age-related conditions. Thus, we can say the herb can help in slowing down the aging process, and add years to your life.

Studies now conclude that smoking marijuana has some adverse effects, such as lung diseases. However, to avoid these effects, you can try some other marijuana consumption methods such as vaping, edibles, tinctures, oils, and topicals.