
CBD for Addiction Recovery: Benefits and Treatment Guide

By Nicolas Rivera

March 10, 2020

You’ve probably heard these three little letters come up in the news or conversation lately: CBD.

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a chemical compound found in cannabis plants, like marijuana and hemp. CBD products made a surge in the United States in 2018, when hemp seed ingredients were recognized as safe by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). CBD itself has found its way towards swaying state government to consider legislation for non-medical cannabis and derived products to be legalized. It slowly made its way into infusions, serving as an additive like a vitamin or herbal treatment.

Some have questioned the rise of CBD compared to the use of medical marijuana in places that have legalized use. The main difference being in the feeling when using. Medical marijuana strains contain the psychoactive compound tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, causing a high that some find unpleasant.

THC can have negative side effects associated with usage like anxiety, paranoia, dizziness, and loss of coordination. This is not the case for every user, but CBD oil is remarkably different in this regard. Cannabidiol causes no mind-altering side effects, and can actually be given safely in various forms including oils, extracts, tinctures, capsules, and even in certain foods.

We are learning daily about the health benefits that are coming from CBD products. From chocolates and gummies to creams and oils, the market is flooded with products that some studies have shown reduce inflammation of joints, help combat symptoms of mental illnesses like schizophrenia and anxiety, and severe cases of epilepsy. CBD oil reviews can provide direct insight from users about various cannabinoid-based products and which one can best treat symptoms, as well as advise on the dose and side effects for CBD products.

Cannabidiol has found its way into discussions regarding treating addiction and substance abuse, particularly for what has become a growing crisis in the 21st century, opioid abuse. Residential treatment programs have evaluated the best way to approach the withdrawal symptoms of opioids, running the gambit from insomnia and anxiety to flu-like symptoms like sweating and fever.

Studies on CBD for opioid addiction indicate natural treatment from CBD oils and CBD tinctures reduce the side effects of withdrawal while having a beneficial effect on the nervous system and neurotransmitters that affect addictive behavior.

Cannabinoids have also been found to curb addiction to stimulants like cocaine and amphetamines by eliminating irritability, paranoia, and other symptoms of mental illness. According to studies, the proper application of CBD gels and creams was found to have a transdermal effect, making its way into the bloodstream through the skin to reduce the impulsivity that associates with cocaine use.

CBD has found success in combating symptoms of alcohol withdrawal including hallucinations, chronic anxiety, and sleep disorders, helping to decrease the chance of a relapse. It has also been shown to help those who are quitting tobacco usage by combating the effects of nicotine. Studies found that people who were given inhalers containing cannabidiol quitting tobacco use had fewer cravings to smoke.

Overall, the best guarantee for a steady dose of CBD without dealing with the negative side effects and potency of THC is through specially formulated CBD products. CBD oil can be taken orally in its pure form or added to foods and drinks. CBD is also available in pre-made edibles, chewing gums, topical creams, and more.

Whichever product you choose, carefully read the insurance before you begin. It is also advisable to start at a minimum dose and build up once you figure out how you interact with the product. Although CBD may help with addiction, it is no substitute for proper medical care. Be sure to talk with a qualified health care professional who will ensure you get the support you need.