
DHI: A New Twist on FUE Hair Transplants

By Nicolas Rivera

April 25, 2019

The hair transplant industry is in a state of perpetual growth, with new techniques constantly being introduced. Recently, you may have read about DHI Choi FUE. It is one of the latest advancements in hair transplantation. But just how does it work?

What Is DHI Choi FUE?

In classic follicular unit extraction, individual hairs are taken from a donor site on the patient’s scalp. A number of small incisions are then made on the receiver site, creating channels. The hairs are implanted into these channels one by one. For a more detailed breakdown of traditional follicular unit extraction, click this link.

DHI Choi FUE follows many of these same steps. However, it utilizes a pen-like device often referred to as a “Choi implanter”. The tip of the Choi implanter features a hollow needle. After a hair is removed from the donor site, it is carefully placed inside this needle.

Once loaded, the needle is inserted into the patient’s scalp at an angle of 45 degrees. This makes an incision and provides an opening for the follicular unit. From here, the hair is released from the pen and implanted into the channel.



Where Is It Available?

As mentioned in the previous section, DHI hair transplants can only be performed by specially-trained surgeons. This makes it quite difficult to secure in places where hair transplantation is not a major industry. If you live in a country with only one or two hair restoration clinics, you may have to go abroad to access the treatment.

Many medical tourists opt to have a hair transplant in Turkey. This is because Turkey has a wide selection of clinics and has been the site of some major advances in the industry.

If you are considering DHI treatment in Turkey, check out the Vera Clinic in Istanbul. One of Turkey’s most reputable hair transplant clinics, the Vera Clinic offers both traditional and DHI Choi FUE hair transplantation. It is also renowned for its postoperative care, offering patients accommodation and interpreters for the duration of their recovery.

For more information on DHI Choi FUE in Turkey, visit