
Do Counting Calories Really Help You Lose Weight?

By Nicolas Rivera

January 03, 2020

Nearly 30 percent of the world’s population is recorded as obese, which is considered more than overweight or needing to lose 20 pounds or more. This is unhealthy and can lead to a myriad of medical complications.

To lose weight, one must eat less and move more, however, that is easier said than done. This is especially hard when an individual has a chronic pain condition. Counting calories may be the answer and braceyourhealth can help.

Why Count Calories?

The main reason to count calories comes down to not having to understand the complex and cumbersome formula of what foods affect the body and how. The majority of people these days opt for convenience over healthy alternatives when it comes to preparing and eating meals.

However, when you realize a food that is processed has more calories than a food that comes from nature, you will change your mind about what you are going to eat. Processed foods, such as crackers, cookies, breads, and so many others, contain chemicals to help with their shelf life.

Chemical additives wreak havoc on the body in a variety of ways. People suffer in the short term from digestion issues and in the long term with such things and inflammation, which can lead to arthritis, as well as long-suffering illnesses.

Ideal Calorie Count

There is no real ideal weight for any number of individuals. Everyone’s body is different. The number of calories for one person to take in during a typical day, may not work for the next person, even if they are of similar age and build.

There is, however, a range of calories for males and females, but it is also dependent on the person’s age, level of activity and current health. This can be calculated with a BMI or body mass index calculator.

Generally, the average adult female requires between 1600 and 2500 calories per day to maintain a healthy weight. Men need between 2000 and 3000 calories a day, also for maintaining a healthy weight. When you are planning on adjusting your calorie intake, you should speak to your primary physician to make sure you have estimated the right amount of calories to decrease.

Free Calorie Foods

There are a number of free or zero-calorie foods you can incorporate into your daily diet to help keep you filled up and satisfied longer.

List of Zero Calorie Foods:

Dietitians around the world agree that adding several of these no-calorie foods to your daily menu can help you lose weight or maintain a healthy waistline. There is no counting involved and many of these foods can be added to other ingredients to bring out the flavor and enjoyment of the dishes.

Counting calories can be a helpful way to begin a healthy eating plan, as well as maintain a balanced diet for optimum health.