
Does Losing Weight Help Stop Snoring

By Nicolas Rivera

June 28, 2019

Many folks upon hearing how loud they snore feel disappointed about the situation. Snoring is so annoying that it can ruin relationships and make life hard for the person snoring.

Over the years, many have sought ways to improve the condition to sleep without snoring; several methods and tools have been developed to help improve the situation. Their effectiveness often varies with individuals, some have recorded improvements, while many feel the situation does not change.

Some have turned to lose weight in their quest for getting rid of this annoying sound while sleeping. Does weight loss help? This is the main point we will be discussing in this article. To start with, let’s explore snoring as a condition before discussing the solution.

Why do people snore?

This is one question many have been asking for years. Almost all humans snore, although it is nothing to worry about. When it occurs regularly, it can become annoying and make others feel uncomfortable. Snoring can affect the sleep pattern of an individual, which may lead to stress and heart problems.

Snoring is given birth to when there is a breach in airflow between the nose and throat while sleeping. The surrounding tissues then start to vibrate, which results in the snoring sound. This is not the only reason why people snore; others snore because of the location of their tongue, which may prevent smooth breathing.

Many with too much throat and floppy or nasal tissue are also susceptible to snoring. This is because their tissues vibrate easily, even in the presence of small triggers. Some also snore based on their posture while sleeping. Age is another factor that makes people snore, this is common among middle-aged and older people.

This article focuses on the next cause of snoring, being overweight. People with fatty tissues and weak muscle tones have high chances of snoring. Even if you are not entirely overweight but have bulky and neck with excess weight, you can easily start to snore.

Does losing weight reduce snoring?

If you snore terribly while sleeping, weight loss will help improve the situation.  But what is the link between these two conditions? Snoring and Weight loss. What connects the two shows us the relationship between a balanced BMI (Body Mass Index) and sound sleep. The lack of adjustment in weight affects more than the look; your sleep is tampered with too.

Several scientific types of research that have been conducted in this field have shown that weight loss will help reduce snoring, while in some, it eliminates it. With a high BMI, you will have a hard time sleeping; this often results in straining the throat, and in the long run, cause snoring.

A positive future is guaranteed as long as you are adopting the weight loss technique. There are several things you might be expected to do to break free from snoring and start regaining your perfect sleep pattern. The fact that you have more than an option suggests that even if a method fails to work, you can still explore other alternatives for dealing with the problem. The bottom line is maintaining your weight after losing it.

Front loading your diet or eating more during breakfast and very little during dinner is a good start. Your weight loss goal will be further enhanced when you take light dinner and your average volume in the morning.

Although this may not be absolutely advisable, few individuals who skip evening meal have also recorded significant weight loss (while this worked in some, many have added to the problem with this technique as they end up eating heavy during lunch and breakfast) you may need to study your eating pattern to determine what will help.

Diets high in carbohydrates often lead to getting overweight, so it better on your quest to losing weight to reduce your carbohydrates intake. Sugar and starch should be significantly reduced as this will make your meal healthier and help you lose weight quickly.

Eating very early before sleeping is another option to explore; this will help you have a sound sleep and help you with your weight loss goal. If you take the diet approach to weight loss when dealing with snoring, the chances of getting positive results increases as food intake affect snoring.

Although not all forms of exercise lead to weight loss, the truth is that it helps deal with snoring better. With exercise, the main goal is to lose some of the fatty tissues that are found around the throat and in the body generally. When the parts of the body are toned, either the arm, the abs, or the leg, the result reflects on the muscles in the throat, which will then lead to a reduction in snoring.

You can explore the Anti Snoring Throat Exercise, which focuses on pronouncing some vowels sounds and twisting the tongue to make certain sounds. This will help reduce snoring.

Before engaging in more strenuous and detailed exercise, it is best to consider the amount of weight you want to get rid of. For many, shedding 10-20% of their original weight will help them reach their weight loss goal to help combat snoring. For a start, low impact exercise might be the best option. You may start with a simple exercise like walking, biking. You can also explore swimming and light jogging. Many also prefer yoga and aerobics exercise when dealing with weight loss.

If you need to shed more weight, you might need to explore high impact or higher intensity exercise. This may include running, going to the gym to make use of exercise equipment; this will help you lose weight in a more detailed and appropriate way. Additionally, go with the best home gym equipment for weight loss.


So, does losing weight help with snoring? I’m sure you agree that it does help reduce snoring. We have delivered two of the most effective ways of dealing with this condition. You either take the diet route or the exercise approach. Although the effect might not be the same in every individual, you can be sure of a positive result.