
Each Step in the Breast Augmentation Procedure

By Mubeen Yaqoob

November 18, 2020

Hundreds of thousands of patients get breast implants every single year, and that procedure continues to be one of the most popular cosmetic operations in the world. During your procedure, an experienced surgeon will be able to enhance the size of your breasts with advanced implants that could last for 10 years or longer. If you think that this procedure might be a good option for you, then you should spend a little bit of time researching each step in the operation so that you know exactly what to expect.

Where to Start

Many people begin this process by looking over some breast augmentation before and after photos. Those images will give you quite a bit of insight into what kind of results can be achieved. The breast augmentation procedure has a very high success rate, and most patients claim that they are satisfied with the results once they have fully recovered. After you have carried out some research online, you will then need to schedule a no-obligation appointment with your surgeon. When you meet with the surgeon, you will be able to go over your cosmetic goals and ask any questions that you might have about this cosmetic procedure.

Just Before Your Operation

In the days leading up to your breast augmentation procedure, you should try to get as much rest as possible. You will also need to avoid tobacco products and any medications that could impact your recovery. On the day of the operation, you should arrive at the surgical center in comfortable clothing and have a loved one nearby who can take you home. Your surgeon is going to give you very specific instructions regarding food and water as well. As a general rule, patients must refrain from eating or drinking anything in the hours leading up to these operations.

A Look at the Procedure

Breast augmentation surgery is a relatively quick procedure that usually only takes a few hours to complete. Immediately after you have been sedated, the surgical team is going to clean and mark the incision sites. The incisions are typically made in the lower contours of the breasts, but some patients get their incisions made in the armpits. Once the incisions have been made, the silicone or saline implants are inserted into the breast cavities. The surgeon might also need to adjust the soft tissue to create a well-balanced appearance. Some patients combine this procedure with a breast lift as well, and that will make this a lengthier operation.

Once the implants are in place, the surgeon is going to partially or fully suture the incisions shut. The final step in the process is wrapping the breasts with a compression garment. That bandage is going to minimize swelling and discomfort by applying pressure to the breasts. After the anesthetic has worn off, your loved one will be able to drive you home.

Your Recovery

As you can see from the breast augmentation before and after photos, this procedure can produce astounding results, but you will need to be prepared for a short recovery period. For at least a few weeks, you will most likely notice some inflammation, discoloration, and tenderness. The average patient should be back on their feet after a few days, but you will need to avoid strenuous activities until your follow-up appointment. During that final appointment, the surgeon is going to take a closer look at the incisions and nearby soft tissue. If all of the tissue is healing properly, then you will most likely be cleared for all activities.