
Eradicate Facial Blemishes With Minimally Invasive Fat Grafting

By Mubeen Yaqoob

November 16, 2020

Injectable fillers are exceptionally popular, and they can help patients deal with many different facial blemishes. Unfortunately, those products also come with a few potential drawbacks, and some patients negatively react to the injections. If you would like to avoid potential complications but still want to eradicate age-related blemishes, then you should consider the facial fat transfer procedure. That cutting-edge treatment can restore your youthful beauty almost immediately, and the risk of post-op complications is extremely low.

Why Fat Grafting?

There are quite a few reasons why many patients and medical professionals are now choosing fat grafting over injectable fillers. Even though injectable fillers are safe and effective for the vast majority of patients, they can produce quite a few unwanted complications. Whenever a foreign compound is injected into your skin, there is a small chance that your body will have a negative reaction. Some patients notice nothing more than redness, inflammation, itching, and other mild side effects. Unfortunately, other patients are going to struggle with severe reactions ranging from a loss of feeling in the face to excessive swelling.

With the facial fat transfer procedure, you won’t have to worry about your body reacting to foreign chemicals and compounds. The only thing that is going to be injected back into your skin is your body’s natural tissue, and the risk of post-op complications will be very low. As an added bonus, this procedure is also going to give your surgeon the opportunity to remove localized pockets of fat from various areas of the body. If you have been struggling with extra tissue in the midsection or upper arms, then that fat can be used during the operation. After you take a look at some facial fat transfer before and after photos, you are going to realize just how amazing this procedure can be.

Here’s What to Expect

This highly personalized treatment begins with an initial consultation where your surgeon is going to explain the operation in detail. They might be able to provide you with some additional facial fat transfer before and after photos from a few of their other patients as well. That meeting will also allow them to take a closer look at your overall health to ensure that this procedure is right for you. If you both agree that the treatment is a good option, then you can schedule your next appointment.

The procedure itself usually takes around two hours to complete, and you will probably be under deep sedation throughout most of the operation. After the fat has been extracted from the body, it is then going to be purified so that only the healthy cells remain. Once the tissue has been purified, it can then be injected into strategic locations throughout the face. After the procedure is complete, the treatment sites will be bandaged and you can return home.

Your Recovery and Results

Most patients recover from this procedure within one or two days, and you should plan on resting as much as possible during that time. While you might notice some swelling and discoloration, those side effects typically fade away very quickly. As soon as the incisions have healed and your soft tissue has recovered, you can resume most everyday activities. As long as your recovery is going smoothly, you should be able to begin exercising after one or two weeks. When the effects of the fat graft begin to fade away, you can easily schedule a quick follow-up treatment to maintain the results.