
Face Mask Lanyards For Different Professionals

By Cheif Editor

September 24, 2020

The entire world has been forced to stay indoors or cover their nose and mouth when stepping out. Since COVID-19 is known to be transmitted via respiratory droplets, these precautions are necessary. Carelessness can be fatal.

Face masks have become a common appendage to everyone’s attire, so why not make a statement with them. The variety in design, material, and colors in lanyards is mind-boggling. Lanyards were mainly used for ID cards, but are a great way to keep your mask handy as well. This article discusses how different professionals can pick a suitable face mask lanyard according to their occupation.


While schools are yet to begin functioning, teachers and other school staff need to go to school when required. Their lanyards can be of different prints depending on their department. Therefore, a Math teacher can have a lanyard with a numerical or geometric print. An English teacher can have letters printed on it.

A science teacher can have nature prints like animals or flowers. The support staff at school can have the school’s name or logo printed on their lanyards.


Doctors have been the busiest for the past few months, and the trend is bound to continue to several more. They are also the most vulnerable to be exposed to infection. The lanyards they use should be of the highest quality.

A lanyard makes perfect sense for them because they don’t have to touch their mask frequently. It is best if the lanyard is a solid color with maybe the hospital’s name printed on it.


As doctors, nurses, too, are at constant risk of exposure. They need lanyards for the safekeeping of their face masks. Nurses can wear color-coded masks, with each color representing a different department. For example, an ER nurse can use a red-colored lanyard, while a pediatric nurse can use a yellow or orange one.

Nurses are tending to patients and are usually covered under personal protective equipment (PPE). In-between their shifts, they may want to take it all off and just relax in the usual scrubs. Here, a lanyard can ensure that they don’t place their masks on any contaminated surfaces.

Cooks & Restaurant Staff

Few restaurants are open for business. Most of them are still offering only take-away. For cooks, chefs, and other restaurant staff, food safety is a priority. The kitchen can get quite heated, and the lanyards should be comfortable to wear. In such cases, a metallic or beaded lanyard may not be the best choice due to the intense heat and sweat. A nylon or polyester one would work best.

Construction Workers

These are the people who are laboring away to build tall structures. They need lanyards that will hold even in the toughest of situations. Here, a heavy-duty one is a good idea. Colors are no constraint here, but if the construction companies have custom lanyards printed, you will have to use them. Since construction is a risky job, a safety release is a must in the face mask lanyard.

Behind the Desk Professionals

These are all you lawyers, accountants, engineers, consultants, government employees, etc., who need to sit at a desk for work. They rarely need to step out of the office, and their jobs may not require too much physical effort.

In such cases, companies usually hand out custom-made lanyards with their logo and name. In case the choice is up to you, it is best if you stick to a single color or muted prints. You need to appear professional in the office setting.

Journalists and Reporting Crew

While the world was mostly confined indoors due to lockdowns, healthcare professionals and news crews were out there 24×7 risked their lives. The former was trying to save lives, while the latter was reporting issues that concerned us. If you are part of a news reporting team, then your lanyard should be a flat non-woven lanyard in a single color. If you are in front of the camera, then remember, everyone is watching.

Law Enforcement

These are the people responsible for our safety. They have been patrolling the streets day and night to ensure that you are safe. They are not sure what will come at them at the next turn, but they still carry on. The lanyard most suitable for a law enforcement officer is a durable, breakaway one in a single color.

Many professions were not discussed in this article, but it was not intentional. The idea was to present the essential differentiation based on the kind of work each one does. Outdoor, laborious work needs a face mask lanyard to withstand the heat, sweat, and rain. For an indoor worker, any lanyard works well.