
Factors to Consider Before a Breast Augmentation

By Nicolas Rivera

January 04, 2020

Breast Augmentation

You have probably followed one of your favorite stars or models and love their perfect look. They have the ideal looking breasts, and you thought you would want to have them too. Is it possible? Yes. You can have the look you desire, but it does not come in one day, and it does not come based on your thinking. You will need to go through the process before they finally appear. However, it would help if you understood what having breast surgery entails and the risk factors involved. It also requires significant preparations psychologically due to the changes that occur to your body. In Florida, Miami botox provides a range of services that applies cosmetic surgery to give you that perfect look.

Saggy Breast Remain

When you go for breast augmentation surgery, it focuses on increasing the size of the breasts. However, the breasts that sag does not change. This is because sagging breasts have more to do with the skin than with the breast size. If you wish to change the breast sag, then you require a breast lift to make them tight. Understanding this difference helps to prepare psychologically for the results of the surgery. Bigger and firmer breasts combine both a breast augmentation and breast lift.

They Require Replacement

The current technology and the use of silicone implants have made it possible to live for over ten years without requiring any replacements. However, it would help if you had regular checkups at least annually to check their longevity. Silicon implants develop complications and require consistent observation to ensure they remain at their position and have the desired effect. However, after several years they may require a change to provide the expected look.

They Require Qualified Doctors

More Surgeries in the Future

You may expect that breast augmentation not only enlarges your breasts but also reduces sagging. However, the two represent different surgeries, and undergoing breast augmentation solves half of the problem. It would help if you got a breast lift to fulfill the perfect looking breast as you have envisioned them. Understanding the difference and complementary nature of the two surgeries helps to plan before the actual operations occur.

Choosing an Implant is Sophisticated

The decision to go for the surgery has been made, but now that you need to do it, several factors come to play. The desired outcome does not depend on the size of silicone implants only; it relies on the body posture and elasticity of your skin. These are complications that may arise during the surgery that the doctor needs to consider.

Breastfeeding Complications

When inserting the silicone implants, an incision is made at the pint of insertion. When an incision is made, it may affect the ability to breastfeed your child. Discuss with your doctor on the best location for the incision, such as under the armpit. It ensures that the risk of developing breastfeeding complications due to incision location is eliminated.

Takes Time to See Results

Do not expect to get your results immediately after the surgery. Any surgeries result in swelling around the incision area that may exaggerate the look of your breasts. It takes weeks before the swelling goes down, and the expected results are noticed. Exercise patience when expecting results. The implants also take some time to adjust accordingly and blend with your natural breasts.