
3 Killer Squat Variations For Guys Who Want Great Glutes

By Nate Sterling

June 02, 2017

Muscle building isn’t just about showing off your big guns — it’s about your whole body. And since your glutes are your largest muscle group, it’s essential to build them up for strength and power.

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There are countless variations of squats to choose from. Here are three variations that will really target your glutes.

1. Barbell Front Squat

Barbell front squats are an effective way to sculpt your butt into male-model shape. They work your thigh muscles, particularly in the front of the thighs (quadriceps), and the butt area. This squat is becoming increasingly popular among high-level athletes and fitness enthusiasts as part of CrossFit routines. It’s also been a long time staple among the routines of Olympic weight lifters.

How to Do It:

2. Bulgarian Split Squat

This is one squat that’s not really meant for beginners or the faint-hearted. Bulgarian split squats help build a strong core as well as help improve balance, since one side of the body bears the majority of the load at a time. It’s best to start the exercise without any added weight. Simply concentrate on getting the movement correct and developing balance.

How to Do It:

3. Zercher Squat

These squats are my favorites as they have a huge impact on the core and abdominal muscles as well as the lower back muscles. These are still fairly rare at most gyms among casual workout enthusiasts but core lifters have a good idea of the benefits of the Zercher squat for a toned butt.

How to Do It: