
5 Yoga Poses For A Midday Energy Boost

By Debra Ferris

May 01, 2017

If you find yourself in the midst of the midday doldrums — and in need of a serious energy boost — skip the coffee. Instead, take a short break and try some of these yoga poses to get you back in the game.

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For the greatest benefit and to max your energetic “high,” hold each of the following poses as long as you comfortably can. Keep your eyes closed and stay focused on your breathing.

You may just find that you’re more relaxed, energized and ready to take on the rest of the day.

Camel Ride (Or Spine Flex)

This kundalini pose releases blocked spinal energy and gives a nice stretch.

Mountain Pose

This staple yoga pose will chase away the afternoon doldrums and give you a quick burst of energy.

Ragdoll Pose Or Forward Bend

Here’s a pose to really loosen you up. (Yep, like a ragdoll.)

Half Moon

Vakrasana (Half Spinal Twist)

The next time your eyelids feel droopy around midday, don’t break down and grab a sugary snack – the rush you’ll get from that morsel will be short lived and unhealthy for you. Instead, practice a few of these yoga poses!

