
No, You Won’t Get ‘Bulky’: Why Every Woman Should Lift Weights

By Stacy Zimmerman

July 10, 2017

Many women shy away from weight lifting for fear that it will make them too “bulky” or “manly-looking. Instead, they spend hours jogging on the treadmill machine, hoping that steady-state cardio will help them lose weight and get fit.

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While cardio certainly does have its place in a well-rounded fitness regimen, we’re here to tell you there’s a better way. Many experts now agree that weight lifting for women has many health benefits, from slimming down to increasing your longevity.

1. You’ll Torch More Fat

According to a study published in Obesity, strength training is better at helping people lose belly fat compared with cardio. While aerobic exercise burns both fat and muscle, weight lifting burns almost exclusively fat while building muscle. That’s a winning combination when it comes to getting fit.

2. You’ll Burn More Calories (Even At Rest)

Another reason to train with weights while trying to lose weight is that the more muscle mass your body has, the more efficient your metabolism gets. Muscle requires more energy to maintain than fat does, which means by adding more muscle to your body, you’ll burn more calories even at rest.

3. You’ll Feel Empowered

5. You’ll Keep Your Bones Healthy

Weightlifting not only increases muscle mass, but it increases bone density as well. This is especially important as we age, since our bones tend to weaken as we get older, leading to osteoporosis, breaks, fractures. Strong, dense bones are essential to maintaining optimal health and mobility.

6. You’ll Feel More Confident

Last but not least, weightlifting can increase your self-confidence. You’ll notice within just a few weeks of lifting that you are getting stronger. Your posture will improve, which means you’ll be literally walking taller. There’s truly nothing sexier than a woman with strength and confidence, so go ahead and rock your killer new bod — you’ve earned it with all that hard work.