
The 10-Minute Hula-Hoop Routine You Didn’t Know You Needed

By Caleb Palmquist

June 26, 2017

Are you bored of jogging on the treadmill or lifting the same old weights over and over again at the gym? Why not try something new — and have a ton of fun while you’re at it — with this quick and easy hula-hoop routine?

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Yes, you heard that right. All you need is a hula hoop and an open mind for this unusual, but super-fun workout.

1. Side To Side

Spend the first two minutes with a simple side-to-side move.

2. Front And Back

3. Orbit

This step will give your hips a bit of a break, so you can focus on your arms.

4. The Bump

For the final two minutes, you’ll switch back to an exercise that uses your hips and legs.