
10-Minute Workout For A Stronger Back

By Gina McKnight

April 12, 2017

Do you suffer from back pain and strain? Lifting, bending, reaching, sitting and working can put undue pressure on our backs, but you can get relief from back pain with just 10 minutes of exercise a day.

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Taking a proactive stance is by far the best plan of action when it comes to reducing back pain. By building up and strengthening your back muscles, you allow them to carry you through your everyday activities.

Grab a mat and try this 10-minute workout to help prevent back pain.

Minute #1 The Stretch

Minute #2 Cobra Leg Lifts

Minute #3 Forward Row

Minute #4 Minute March

Great for the upper back, this is an aerobic exercise that tones and strengthens.

Minute #5 Basic Squat

Good for the lower back, squats are great for building muscle in your lower back.

Minute #6 Forward Row

Minute #7 Basic Squat

Minute #8 A Minute March

You are almost there! Time to get back into the minute march.

Minute #9 Cobra Leg Lifts

Doing one last set of cobra leg lifts is a great way to end this intense workout.

Minute #10 End Stretches

With feet shoulder width apart and hands straight to your side, stand up straight, focusing on the importance of good posture.

Mix these exercises for variety. The importance of standing correctly throughout the day and maintaining correct posture is imperative to relieving back pain. Concentrate on your posture and back muscles. Poor posture ages you and keeps you from looking your best. Take control and stand up straight. Before beginning any exercise program, consult with a fitness expert or your health care professional. Get moving!