
10 Muscle-Building Cable Machine Moves

By Nate Sterling

April 10, 2017

Commonly found in most modern gyms, cable machines can easily be adapted to fit a wide range of exercises and address numerous fitness concerns. They’re easily adjustable for height and angles worked, which makes the cable machine extremely versatile.

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Having said all that, there are a few things to keep in mind before hitting the cable machine. Beginners in particular should be careful to add resistance to the cable machine in small increments, and to ensure they master the correct form for each exercise. Here are the 10 cable machine exercises to give you a core-engaging way of making gains — without the strain and risk of injury that comes with free weights.

1. Cable Forward Lunge

The cable forward lunge will work the muscles of your core and shoulder.

2. Lateral Cable Lunge

3. Cable Step Up

4. Cable Reverse Lunge

5. Cable Front Squat

6. Split Stance Single-Arm Shoulder Press

7. Single Arm Cable Row

8. One Knee Single-Arm Cable Pulldown

9. Side Plank Cable Row

10. Bicep Curl

You won’t want to neglect your biceps as you build muscle!