
15-Minute Ab Workout For Firm Obliques

By Amber Racer

March 08, 2017

Want a rock-hard mid-section and obliques for days? (Don’t we all?) Then you need this 15-minute ab workout to sculpt your entire core — from top to bottom and side to side.

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It’s easy to target our “front” abs while neglecting our obliques. However, it’s especially important to engage the muscles that run on either side of the “six-pack” area in order to really firm up your core. Try this workout for both abs and obliques, and get ready to feel the burn.

Standing Oblique Crunch

Start off with an easy warm-up to get the muscles working and the blood pumping. To avoid injury when adding the medicine ball as a weight, it’s important to first get the muscles warm.

Now that your muscles are warm, it’s time to reach for the medicine ball.

Lunging Medicine Ball Twists

Adding a medicine ball to your oblique routine will help intensify the workout on your obliques. Continue by grabbing the medicine ball for a lunge twist.

When you are finished, put the medicine ball aside, and continue to the floor for static planks.

Static Side Plank

Continue to the floor for a side plank to work the obliques in a static position.

Once you have accomplished the static plank, move onto ankle reaches to engage the oblique muscles with more isolated motion.

Outside Ankle Reaches

Now it’s time to add some motion to continue to engage the obliques. Move your body to a crunch position and prepare to reach for your ankles.

After you are finished, it’s time to add more dynamic motion for a compound exercise that’s great for both obliques and abs.

Bicycle Crunch

Increase the intensity of your efforts with a bicycle crunch to feel the burn from the bottom to the top of the abs and obliques.

After you have done the bicycle crunch, it’s time to pick up the medicine ball again.

Medicine Ball Crunch

Grab your medicine ball to up the intensity, as you work from the floor with a bit of resistance.

Finish with the Russian Twist to feel the burn.

Russian Twist

Complete the workout with a sitting Russian Twist. Use a decline bench for added intensity.