
Here’s A 15-Minute Arm Workout You Can Do Anywhere

By Caleb Palmquist

April 19, 2017

You don’t have to go to a gym to get fit. When life gets busy, carve out small, manageable increments of time to a sweat going. Forget about weights and other equipment — you can do this workout with nothing but your bodyweight and a little room to move.

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If you’re not familiar with high-intensity interval training (HIIT) yet, listen up. HIIT is all about working hard and fast, for a short period of time, while resting as little as possible between sets. This kind of workout is more efficient than a standard workout, and will allow you to get fit in a fraction of the time.

To complete this workout, you’ll need to do each exercise for 50 seconds. During that time, do as many reps as you possibly can. Then, take a 10 second rest before moving on to the next exercise. When you’re done, do them all again. The whole thing should take you about 15 minutes, but you’ll be exhausted by the end.

1. Push-Ups

2. Chair Dips

3. Arm Circles

4. Triceps Push-Ups

5. Rolling Side Plank

6. Bent Over Row

7. Rest

Give yourself a break for exactly one minute before diving back into another complete set of exercises.