
15-Minute Circuit Training Workout For Long, Lean Legs

By Kristen Forbes

October 27, 2016

Need a new and challenging routine for leg day? This workout is only 15 minutes long, but don’t be fooled — it’s seriously challenging and will sculpt your legs in no time.

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Go through the entire circuit once if you’re a beginner, twice if you’re intermediate, and three times if you’ve got eh stamina. In just 15 minutes, you’ll feel the burn.

1. Side-To-Side Squats With Weight

Try this quadriceps-targeting move with dumbbells.

2. Jumping Jacks

It’s a basic cardio move but it’s also effective. You know the drill.

3. Straight-Leg Extension

Hold onto a countertop or barre as you keep your arms and legs straight. For an added challenge, try doing this without holding on to anything, but flexing your core to maintain balance.

4. Dumbbell Lunges

Here’s another straightforward, but effective, move.

5. Burpees

This is no one’s favourite exercise, but it certainly gets the job done.

6. Step Ups

Use a sturdy chair, bench, or bottom step – make sure whatever you use won’t slide out underneath you as you perform the move.

7. Roll Pop-Ups
