
15 Partner-Friendly Ab Exercises For A Stronger Core

By Kimberly Nicoletti

August 23, 2016

Working out with a friend or loved one not only keeps you accountable, but it also adds some fun to your routine.

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Since core strength is so important, we’ve included several exercises you can do with a partner to strengthen your abdominals.

1. Partner-Friendly High-Five Planks

2. Squat-And-Twist Ab Exercises

3. Overhead Pass Abs Workout

4. Downward Dog Meets Plank

5. Push Together

6. Sculpt Your Abs with High-Five Crunches

7. Kneeling-Partner Twist

8. V-Sit And Pass

9. Toss-The-Ball Ab Crunches

10. Squat And Jump Together

11. Twist-And-Shout Trunk Rotation

12. One-Leg Chest Pass Core Exercises

13. Foot Press On A BOSU Ball

14. BOSU For The Core

15. Wheelbarrow Push-Ups

After you’ve got in a good sweat session together, end your routine with partner stretches.