
20-Minute, Upper-Body Workout For Women

By Erika Volk

November 07, 2016

This upper-body workout plan is designed to help women increase their arm, chest and back strength. All you have to do is complete this 20-minute workout two to three times a week to see results.

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No dumbbells or fancy gym machines here; the only equipment you will need is a set of rubber resistance bands and some open space.

The work out will consist of the following:

Ready? Let’s get into it in more detail.

Warm Up

Minute 1: Rotation In The Quadruped Position

1. Get down on the ground into a tabletop position on your hands and knees. 2. Remain in the tabletop position as you reach up and gently place your right hand behind your head. 3. Keep your right elbow nearly parallel to the right shoulder joint and your neck should be neutral. (Don’t tuck your chin.) 4. Keep your hips and lower body still as you rotate your shoulders up to the right so that your chest is open, and your elbow is pointing toward the ceiling. 5. Return to position #3 and repeat for 30 seconds. 6. Switch sides and repeat for 30 seconds.

Minute 2: Forearm Wall Slides

1. Stand about 2 to 3 inches away from the wall. 2. Pinch your shoulder blades together  and then place your forearms flush against the wall. 3. Slowly “slide” your forearms against the wall as you reach your hand above your head. 4. Focus on keeping the shoulder blades depressed; do not shrug the shoulders up towards the ears. 5. Go as high as you can without shrugging – and then return to the starting position. Repeat the same sequence for 20 seconds, rest and repeat for another 20 seconds.

Minute 3: Windmill Stretch

1. Start standing with your feet slightly wider then shoulder width apart. 2. Point both arms out to your sides so that your upper body looks like a “T”. 3. Keeping your legs straight, bend and rotate at the waist so that your right arm reaches down and touches your left foot. 4. Stand back up and repeat the same motion, but this time bring the left hand down to the right foot and then stand back up. 5. Repeat for one minute.

The Workout

Minute 4: Resistance Band Rows

1. Find a fixed object you can wrap the exercise band around. 2. Grab an end of the band in each hand and step back to where the band is under tension. 3. Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart. 4. Exhale, keeping your elbows close to your sides as you pull the band toward you. 5. Contract and flex your back muscles at the peak position. 6. Inhale as you return to starting position slowly. Repeat for one minute.

Minute 5: Push-Ups

1. Get into a good push-up position: place your hands on the ground slightly wider than shoulders width apart, engage your core to stiffen your torso. Keep your feet together and your glutes firm. 2. Inhale, and lower your chest toward the ground. Keep your glutes and core strong, and tuck your elbows close to your sides as you descend. 3. Exhale, and press back up to the starting position. 4. Do as many push-ups as you can in one minute. If necessary to keep good form, place your hand on an elevated surface like a workout step or bench.

Minute 6: Rest

Minute 7: Do A Second Set Of Resistance Band Rows

Minute 8: Do A Second Set of Push-Ups

Minute 9: Rest

Minute 10: Straight-Arm Resistance Band Pull Downs

1. Secure a resistance band at a point that’s fixed firmly above eye level. 2. Hold the ends of the band or the handles and step away from anchor point until there’s tension on the band. 3. Keep your arms extended straight out in front of your chest, palms facing down. 4. Engage the core to keep the torso stiff, relax the shoulders—don’t shrug. Exhale and keep your arms extended as you press down until the hands are slightly past your hips. 5. Return arms to chest level and repeat for one minute.

Minute 11: Resistance Band Overhead Press

1. Hold one end of a light resistance band in each hand and stand on top of the middle of the band, with feet hip-width apart, arms extended by your sides. 2. Bend knees slightly and bring your hands up to shoulders, and then rotate palms to face forward. 3. Exhale as you press arms your arms straight overhead; don’t shrug your shoulders or arch your back; keep the core engaged so not to lose proper form. 4. Lower your hands back to your shoulders. Repeat for one minute.

Minute 12: Rest

Minute 13: Second Set Of Straight-Arm Resistance Band Pull Downs

Minute 14: Second Set Of Resistance Band Overhead Presses

Minute 15: Rest

Minute 16: Elevated Narrow Stance Push-Ups

1. Get into a narrow push-up position: place your hands on a sturdy elevated surface like a workout step, and position your wrists directly beneath your shoulders. Engage your core to stiffen your torso; keep your feet together and your glutes firm. 2. Inhale, and lower your chest toward the ground, while keeping your glutes and core strong. Tuck your elbows so they brush against your sides as you descend. 3. Exhale, and press back up to the starting position. 4. Do as many as you can in one minute. If necessary to keep good form, place your hand on a more elevated surface like a workout bench or the wall.

Minute 17: Resistance Band Bicep Curls

1. Place the center of the band under your feet as an anchor. Grasp one end of the band in each hand. 2. Let your arms hang by your hips. There should be a bit of slack in the band. 3. Exhale, brace the core and bend your elbows. Slowly raise your hands to your shoulders, pulling the resistance band taut. 4. Inhale as you lower your arms. 5. Repeat for one minute.

Minute 18: Plank

1. Lie on your stomach and forearms with your elbows beneath your shoulders. 2. Exhale, brace your core and make your legs rigid as you lift your weight off the ground so that you’re supporting yourself on your forearms and balls of your feet. 3. Hold this position with a neutral spine — don’t let your torso and hips sag toward the ground or stick your butt in the air. 4. Start with four 15-second holds, and work toward one 60-second hold.

Cool Down

Minute 19: Modified Child’s Pose

1. Find a space on the floor behind an empty doorway. 2. Position yourself in the center of the doorway and come down to your hands and knees. 3. Slowly reach forward and across the body with the right arm and grasp the left side of the doorway. 4. Slowly reach your pelvis backward toward your heels as you bend your knees and lean your trunk slowly to the right; breathe into the right lower ribs and hold a comfortable stretch for 30 seconds. 5. Switch sides and hold the stretch for 30 seconds.

Minute 20: Doorway Chest Stretch

1. Stand in a doorway and brace your forearms against the door frame. 2. Keep your upper arms about level with your shoulders. 3. Step forward with one leg and lean your body forward, so you feel a stretch in your chest. 4. Hold for 30 seconds. 5. Repeat by stepping forward with the other leg.