
25-Minute HIIT Treadmill Workout To Burn Fat

By Caleb Palmquist

November 04, 2016

The best way to get in killer shape on the treadmill is to utilize interval training. Interval training involves alternating bursts of speed with slower speeds, keeping your heart rate up and maximizing your workout. Not only will you feel great afterwords, but you’ll continue to burn calories all day with its after burn effects.

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This workout is split into three rounds. Between rounds, you should keep moving, but at a low speed that will allow you to recover for the next round. When the routine calls for side shuffles, turn yourself sideways and hold onto the bar, then switch sides for the next round. When the routine says butt kicks, kick your heels to your butt as you run to warm up your hamstrings.

This is the best treadmill workout you’re likely to find, and it’s really easy to follow.

The Treadmill Workout

There are three difficulty levels. Go here for the whole workout from celebrity trainer Shauna Harrison with further explanation.




Benefits of Interval Training

There are plenty of reasons to try interval training. First, it burns way more calories than standard aerobic exercise does in the same amount of time, so it’s great for people who are extremely busy. Second, after regular interval training, you’ll be able to run faster than you could before, and your aerobic activities in general will be more efficient.

Know When To Stop

Running on a treadmill and incorporating interval training is a good way to stay in shape, but remember that because you’re doing intervals, you won’t need to run for as long. There is such a thing as too much running, and overdoing it can cause strain and injury. Take it slow at first, listen to your body and figure out how much is the right amount for you.

Have Fun

A big part of getting fit is finding an exercise you love to do. If you chose running, it should be because you love to run. If you’re not having fun, consider a different exercise. Interval training can be a blast if you have the right attitude, so stay positive and enjoy yourself!

