
This 30-Minute, American Ninja Warrior Workout Is Insane

By Elise Rivera

June 20, 2017

Think you have what it takes to be on American Ninja warrior? Complete this 30-minute workout plan to test your strength and ability, as well as to train like a ninja as if you are truly going to take on the show’s insanely challenging obstacle course!

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The American Ninja Warrior Workout

This workout is designed to torch fat and build muscular strength and endurance. It also involves high intensity cardio due to the constant work with minimal rest periods. Try to complete this workout at least three times a week. Dedicate at least one day per week to stretching, rest and recovery.

Begin and finish this workout with a five-minute cardio warm up and cool down. You can choose to jog in place, power walk, run, etc.

This workout consists of three circuits. For each exercise, complete as many repetitions as possible in 30 seconds. After those 30 seconds of work, rest (march in place) for 10 seconds. Each circuit should be completed three times each. This totals 10 minutes spent on each circuit before proceeding to the next one.

Equipment Needed:

This workout is quite advanced and is not recommended for novice gym-goers If you’re not familiar with the proper form for the exercises, be sure to research, learn and practice them prior to completing this workout. There’s no specified number of repetitions because of everyone’s varying fitness levels, so do the best that you can in each 30-second interval. Additionally, you have the flexibility of choosing the heaviness of the equipment for the weighted exercises.

Keep track of the number of repetitions that you complete for each exercise to use as a baseline for measuring your progress against. As you the workout becomes easier and as you get stronger, be sure to increase the amount of weight that you use. And as always, be sure to stay hydrated before, during and after your workout.

Circuit 1:

Circuit 2:

Circuit 3:

Feeling sore yet?