
5-Minute Ankle Weight Workout For Legs, Glutes And Abs

By Matt Staff

April 21, 2017

One of the easiest ways to increase the intensity of a bodyweight workout is by simply strapping on some ankle weights.

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The following five moves (plus ankle weights!) are not to be taken lightly, and will no doubt test you in newfound ways. With these exercises, you’re well on your way to sculpting your legs, glutes and abs like never before. To up the ante, try completing the circuit twice for a 10-minute workout.

1. Donkey Kicks

Donkey kicks are perfect for strengthening your glutes, thighs, and hamstrings. They are simple and require no equipment, but a mat will make the exercise easier on your knees.

2. Bicycle Crunches

This is an ab move that will also work your legs, due to the weights.

3. Weighted Hanging Knee Raises

4. Weighted Mountain Climbers

5. Weighted Seated Knee Tuck