
Top 5 Core Exercises To Amp Up Your Abs

By Caleb Palmquist

May 29, 2017

Maintaining a strong core is one of the most important components of fitness, but it’s about more than showing off a toned midsection. Your core is your support system for explosive, powerful movements, and a strong core enhances stability and balance.

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These five simple moves will keep your abs in perfect shape, while giving your other major muscle groups a workout, too.

Incorporate them into your existing routine, or perform then as follows for a total-body workout that will shred your core.

1. Bicycle Crunch

2. Donkey Kick

Donkey kicks are a great glute workout while still working your core.

3. Scale Pose

To perform this yoga pose also known as “Tolasana,” start by sitting on a mat with your feet straight out in front of you.

4. Plank

The king of all core exercises, the plank, works your abs and engages many other muscle groups.

5. Bodyweight Squat

Bodyweight squats target the glutes and hamstrings, but are also a great core-stabilizing move.
