
5 Basic Leg Stretches You Should Do Every Day

By Kelly Turner

May 04, 2017

Flexibility is an important component of overall fitness, yet it’s generally the last thing on anyone’s mind during a workout— that is, until they start experiencing joint and muscle pain. A stretch is often for a quick minute or two after a workout, but it’s rarely the focus of most people’s fitness regimes. It makes sense: After you’ve given it your all, the last thing you want to do is spend another 10 minutes in the gym to stretch out.

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Those extra 10 minutes, however, go a very long way. Stretching can help prevent muscle strains and tears, preserve joint health, prevent chronic pain, and improve your athletic performance overall.

The hip flexors, the muscles that run along the front of the hip, and the hamstrings are notoriously tight areas that can effect the alignment of your entire body. Because we sit a vast majority of the day, these muscle groups are always in a shortened state, causing tightness and limited mobility in while pulling our chests and heads forward. This, over time, can lead to poor posture, back and neck pain, and even migraines. Increasing your flexibility in these areas will have positive benefits, not just for your fitness level, but for your overall health.

The hips and pelvis are complex joints that move in a variety of directions. To gain true flexibility, you must stretch the joints in a 360 degree range of motion with a variety of hip-opening stretches. For best results, stretch every day after a light warm-up, and always after a tough leg or lower-body workout.

1. Kneeling Hip Flexor/Quad Stretch

This stretch pulls double duty, stretching the hamstring of the front leg, with a primary focus on the hip flexors and quad of the back leg. If you don’t feel a direct enough stretch, try reaching back with your opposite hand and pulling your back toe up to your butt to deepen it.

2. Forward Fold

This one is easy peasy and will leave you feeling energized all over as it brings fresh, oxygenated blood into your brain.

3. Butterfly Stretch

According to Protalus, this classic stretch will hit the entirety of your abductors, or your outer thighs and your hamstrings, if your hammies are especially tight. If you find it uncomfortable, put a blanket under your butt to lift you up a few inches.

4. Reclining Pigeon

This stretch is a modification of yoga’s pigeon pose, which is done in a lunge position. It’s great for tight hips, targeting the IT band that runs along the outside of your hip down to your shin, and also works as a injury-preventive stretch for the knees.

5. Standing Inner Thigh Stretch

The inner thighs can be tough to hit, but this stretch allows you to pinpoint the right angle for you. You can turn this into a hamstring stretch, too, by straightening both legs and folding forward, like the forward fold, above.