
5 Stretches To Improve Shoulder Flexibility

By Caleb Palmquist

December 21, 2016

The shoulder joint is one of the most vulnerable joints of the human body, because it’s designed to allow for very wide range of motion — from scratching your back to throwing a baseball. Unfortunately, this also means that there are many opportunities for things to go wrong.

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Strong shoulders can help prevent these injuries, which is why incorporating shoulder exercises into your strength-training routine is extremely important. You’ll also want to stretch your shoulders properly, to maintain flexibility and improve your range of motion.

Try these stretches after a workout to ensure good shoulder health.

1. Standing Unilateral Chest Openers

2. Cow’s Face

3. Sitting Triceps Stretch

4. Shoulder Blade Squeezes

5. Shoulder External Rotation

Stretching Should Be Pain Free

Remember, if you ever feel pain while you are stretching, it is time to stop. Never stretch past your comfortable limit to avoid hurting yourself by tearing a muscle.