
5 Yoga Stretches To Strengthen Your Lower Back

By Christian Heftel

May 09, 2017

Lower back pain is one of the plagues of modern life. As many as 80 per cent of North Americans experience some form of back pain throughout the course of their lives, but thankfully, it’s treatable with the right interventions and therapies.

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Clinical studies have shown that yoga and regular stretching can be effective at preventing and alleviating some of the worst symptoms.

Here are five of the best stretches for fighting lower back pain. Spend five minutes every morning holding each of these poses for one minute.

1. Downward Facing Dog

One of the most basic yoga moves, downward facing dog is great for alleviating tension in your back. This pose also helps to stretch your hamstrings, which can cause lower back pain if they’re tight.

2. Cobra

While downward facing dog stretches your hamstrings and back muscles, cobra gives your back and spine a nice, elongating stretch while opening up the chest.

3. Cat-Cow

Yoga for the lower back doesn’t get much better than cat-cow. Cat-cow encourages mobility in the spine, and it makes a great warm up for stretches or prior to performing any activity that might tax the back.

4. Child’s Pose

Some yoga stretches aren’t just great for you; they feel great too. Child’s pose is one of these moves. It’s used to lengthen the back, which often becomes compressed throughout the day, as well as to relax the mind.

5. Reclining Twist

Ahhh. This popular pose is great for the spine and will leave you feeling limber.


