
6 Ab Exercises To Do With A BOSU Ball

By Matt Staff

February 14, 2017

By challenging your balance, BOSU (“both sides utilized”) balls can help take your ab game to the next level.

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Combining a flat platform on the backside and a rubber dome topside, the BOSU ball helps introduce an element of instability to your abs workout. The harder your abs have to work to maintain balance, the more effective the exercise will be for toning your midsection.

Here are a few simple core moves to get started.

1. Forearm Plank

The forearm lank targets your core, shoulders and lower body making it an incredibly dynamic station to kick off your workout!

To begin, position the BOSU ball so that it’s flat-side down. Next you’ll place your forearms on top of the rubber dome and settle into a plank position with your back straight. Be sure to keep your shoulders over your elbows! Finally commit to bracing your midsection while squeezing your backside to further increase the plank’s difficulty level. Hold position for one minute.

2. Side Plank

3. One-Legged Bridge

We’re amping up the difficulty level with this next BOSU ball exercise. Begin by lying on your back with your left foot positioned on the topside (rubber part) of the BOSU ball. Have your right leg extended out toward the ceiling and your arms resting along the floor with your palms facing upwards. Then, as you press down with your left foot into the dome of the BOSU ball, slowly lift your torso until it’s aligned with your left thigh. Maintain the position for two seconds and then slowly lower back to the starting position. Repeat 15 times and then alternate sides.

4. Mountain Climber

This is one of my favourite abs exercises (even without the BOSU ball). To begin, flip your BOSU ball over so that it rests on the rubber dome side. Next grip the sides of the BOSU platform, and settle into a plank position. Now simply run in place, alternating legs as you bring your right and left knees into your chest. Continue on with this exercise for a minute.

5. Burpee

6. Push-Up

At long last you’ve made it to the final station; the simplest, yet the hardest way to wrap up your day of grueling abs-targeting trials — the push-up.

To begin, flip your BOSU ball over onto the dome side (the rubber side’s on the bottom here). Grip the sides of your BOSU ball, or you can place your hands on top of the BOSU ball and perform a push-up as you hold your body in a straight line from head to toe. Repeat 10 times.