
6 Exercises To Get Rid Of Arm Flab

By Amber Racer

August 12, 2016

That jiggly area underneath your arms (also known as arm flab) is the bane of many women’s existence. But how do we get rid of arm fat and reduce arm flab?

Easier said than done. The two main culprits of arm flab are age and body fat, an while there’s little you can do about getting older, there are several toning exercises for arm flab that can help you sculpt lean, sexy arms.

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Keep in Mind: If you are trying to reduce the size of your arms, the magic recipe to slim and tone is lower weight and high reps. So pick up some dumbbells and let’s get started!

What are the best exercises to get rid of arm flab?

1. Triangle Push-Up

According to the American Council of Exercise, one of the best exercises for arm flab is the triangle push-up.

Researchers at the University of Wisconson-La Crosse conducted a study by attaching electrodes (EMG) to womens’ triceps during various exercises to track their muscle activity and determine exercise effectiveness. In doing so, they discovered that the best exercise for arm flab is, in fact, the traditional triangle push-up.

Your arms are now warmed up enough to turn up the intensity with tricep dips.

2. Tricep Dips

Grab a chair and get ready for tricep dips. This exercise engages the tricep muscles that run along the back of your arms.

Move on from dips to tricep extensions by making use of weights.

3. Tricep Extensions

If you have dumbbells, this arm-flab blasting exercise is perfect for you. Grab your weights and get ready to work your arms. There are two separate versions of the tricep extension:

Version 1:

Version 2:

Feeling the burn yet? Let’s move on to tricep swings.

4. Tricep Swings

Now it’s time hit the floor and grab your dumbbells for tricep swings.

Almost there! Let’s get started on those bicep curls.

5. Bicep Arm Circles

The next motion makes use of dumbbells and incorporates a steady, slow motion for slimming arm flab.

This next motion is similar to your regular kickback, but offers a twist.

6. Kickbacks With A Twist

The last motion makes use of the dumbbells to provide slow and steady resistance in the triceps.

