
6 Moves, One Great Workout To Banish Back Bulge

By Kristen Forbes

April 28, 2017

Nobody wants to feel squeezed and uncomfortable in their bra or tank top. If you want to get rid of your back bulge — and show off a sexy, toned back this summer — you’ll have to focus on targeted, shoulder-and-back-sculpting moves.

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A strong back helps you in more ways than simple aesthetics; it can help prevent injury and back pain, especially if you work in an office where you’re sitting in front of a computer all day. It’s also great for everyday movements that involve lifting or carrying, so you’re less likely to throw your back out.

For best results, incorporate back exercises into your regular strength-training routine three to four times a week.

For this complete back and shoulder workout, complete each exercise back to back (pun intended) with little rest in between. Aim for 2 to 3 complete circuits.

1. Side Raises

2. Stability Ball Hyperextension

4. Bent-Over Rows

5. Push-Up Side Plank

6. Standing Shoulder Press