
6 Effective Stretches For Tight Hips

By Nate Sterling

November 02, 2016

Tight hips can not only be painful and uncomfortable, but they can put a damper on your workouts. Thankfully, there are exercises and stretching routines that can drastically reduce stiffness in your hip flexors.

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We need our hips for almost all forms of every day movements. Indeed, our mobility is hugely dependent on the condition of our hips, whether we’re walking, climbing stairs, or bending down to pick up groceries.

Sitting all day, like most of us do, lessens the natural strength of the hips. We may not think much of our hips when we’re young, but good hip health becomes essential to our mobility and general wellbeing as we age.

Like most other stretching exercises, the key to doing these correctly is to be patient and gentle, aiming to increase the depth, amount of time and number of reps for each stretch that you are able to tolerate. If your muscles are naturally tight, pay extra attention to relaxing and breathing as you perform the stretches.

1. Hip Rotations

Start off your exercise routine with prone hip rotations.

2. Butterfly Stretch

3. Kneeling Lunge Stretch

This position starts in something similar to a classic walking lunge with your front leg forming a right angle to the trunk and your body square.

4. Prone Hip Internal Rotations

This stretch will improve circulation all through the pelvic region and loosen your hips for more rigorous stretches.

5. Pigeon

This pose will get the blood flowing along the hips and pelvic region. Take your time with this it can be particularly hard on beginners. Concentrate on slowly getting comfortable with the stretch.

6. The Frog

This exercise is simple but effective. It does have a high injury risk if the motion is forced, so be sure to take things slowly.