
6 Stretches For Anyone With Tight Hamstrings

By Gina McKnight

October 04, 2016

Hamstring pain can be terribly ruthless, especially if you have had an injury. Runners and athletes often suffer from pulled hamstrings, though long periods of sitting (like at a nine-to-five office job, for example), can also cause discomfort. As with any muscle group, staying flexible is important way to avoid pain.

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Hamstrings are essential in running, jumping and walking movements, and they even allow us to stand up straight and move efficiently. One of the key points to remember when completing stretching and bending exercises is to never force a stretch to the point of pain. We recommend warming up the muscles with 10 minutes of gentle cardio before going into your stretches. Bend your knees when you need to, and if in pain, seek professional guidance.

1. Basic Stretch

Be careful not to over exert. For an advanced workout, curve your spin and try to lie flat on your legs and extend your hands along the floor. Hold for a count of five. Relax, breathe and feel the stretch.

2. Morning Toe-Touch

Legendary fitness guru and body builder Jack LaLanne is a master of stretches. He begins every workout with a series of hamstring stretches that keeps you flexible and energized all day. LaLanne recommends completing this stretch early in the morning, just after you get out of bed.

3. Reclined Hamstring Stretch

A relaxing stretch that targets each hamstring individually.

4. Hurdler Stretch

Find a comfortable spot on the floor. Use a mat if desired.

5. Standing Hamstring Stretch

This stretch gets deeper at the hamstrings and is perfect for doing on a park bench.

5. Cross-Leg Hamstring Stretch

This exercise is similar to the morning toe touch, except you cross your ankles first. It may be difficult for some, but bend as far as you can without straining your back.

If you’re a runner or an athlete, or even if you’re simply sedentary most of the day, make sure you stretch and bend your hamstrings to prevent tightness and injury.