
7 Burpee Variations That Seriously Target Your Abs

By Christian Heftel

November 01, 2016

When it comes to full-body exercises that get you fit, fast, burpees are unbeatable. This simple and gruelling exercise works all of major muscle groups at once, making it great for burning calories, increasing strength, working your core and getting your heart pumping.

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If you want to reap the benefits of burpees, you’ll love these burpee variations for core strengthening below. 

1. Standard Burpee

Before you move on to other forms of the burpee, you should master the regular version.

2. Reverse Burpee

If you want a burpee variation that will target your for abs, try the reverse burpee.

This can be one of the most effective burpee variations for core strengthening, since the rolling action should be entirely fueled by your ab muscles. Try not to push yourself back with your feet or push off with your hands on the way forward.

3. One-Legged Burpee

Just about any time you make an exercise one-legged, you make your core do more work to stabilize yourself. Because of this, doing a one-legged burpee isn’t just a good variation for your legs, it also deserves mention in a list of burpee variations for abs work. One way to perform a one-legged burpee is to do the whole motion on one leg, including the pushup and the squatting motion. Intead you may want to try performing the plank/pushup motion on one leg but squatting with both legs. This can be easier on your muscles, but it may be more taxing on your memory, making it a bit of a challenge in concentration.

4. One-Armed Burpee

An alternate way of making your core work harder during your burpees is to do a one-armed burpee.

5. Muay Thai-Inspired Burpee

Noah Neiman’s combat burpee is a high-intensity exercise that will work your whole body — core included. It involves getting into a modified fighter’s stance (sort of like a karate horse stance), throwing four punches (using your hips to generate power) before beginning the traditional burpee motions. Also, instead of the traditional jump, a high-knee jump is added.

A variation on the combat burpee involves throwing a couple of Muay Thai-inspired knee strikes in instead of the punches.

6. Side-Arm Balance Burpee

This variation makes a great addition to burpee workouts if you want to focus on your ab strength and shoulder stability.

7. Sit-Thru Burpee

Sit-thru burpees are a guaranteed to work your core.

