
7 Awesome Leg Exercises You Can Do At Home

By Nate Sterling

October 05, 2016

These leg exercises will strengthen, tighten, and tone your butt, quads, hamstrings, calves, and more  and all without any clunky gym equipment. All you’ll need is a swiss ball, some dumbbells and a box to jump on to feel the burn in your legs.

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Incorporate these seven exercises into your routine for toned, shapely legs that go on for days.

1. Calf Raises

Calves often go overlooked, especially by fitness newbies. Here, you’ll target those calves head on.

To add more resistance for greater muscle growth, you could do the workouts by holding a pair of dumbbells.

2. Box Jumps

This move may remind you of a game you played as a kid, but it’s more of a challenge than it might seem.

3. Single-Leg Deadlift

Deadlifts are rightly renowned for building strong hamstrings and glutes, but the single-leg deadlift provides the added bonus of promoting balance and coordination with each downward movement.

4. Glute Bridges

Glute bridges aren’t only great for your glutes, they also provide a great workout for your thighs, pelvic region and core.

5. Swiss Ball Hamstring Curls

You’ll need a Swiss ball for this exercise, which works both the glutes and hamstrings.

6. Wall Sits

These exercises are great for warming down after gruelling workout.

7. Bulgarian Split Squats

This exercise could be done with or without weights to give you tighter glutes and stronger quads.