
8 Battle Rope Exercises For Lean Arms And Strong Shoulders

By Melissa Zimmerman

December 19, 2016

Are you brave enough to tackle the battle ropes? Let off some steam while sculpting toned triceps, biceps and shoulders with this crazy-effective, crazy-fun workout.

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If you haven’t tried it yet, get ready — battle ropes are intense, but wildly fun. Not only do the ropes work out your arms, shoulders, abs, and legs, but they also provide a conditioning aerobic workout that will rev your metabolism and get you burning fat and calories.

Battle ropes are heavy ropes that vary in weight, thickness, and length. The most commonly used ropes are 50’ long, 1 ½” to 2” in diameter, and can weigh 28 to 53 pounds. Most gyms these days have a set of battle ropes or several, typically anchored to a wall, wrapped around a sturdy beam or pole, or even threaded through the handle of a heavy kettle bell.

By waving, whipping, and slamming battle ropes, you will get an intense workout that pays particular attention to the upper body, carving out lean, sculpted arms and shoulders. As an added bonus, they also work out your back and your lower body if you’re squatting down for added power.

Ready to battle? Grab a rope and try these eight battle rope exercises.

Double Wave

This perfect beginner move is easy to execute.

Shoulder Circles

Work your shoulders and upper body with this challenging twist on the double wave.

Shoulder Press

Use your battle ropes to do a TRX-style shoulder press.

Snakes On The Floor

Better on the floor than on a plane, right? Again, slight variations in height and movement can mean a big difference in terms of muscles worked.

5. Alternating Wave

Advance your double wave with this technique.

6. Power Slams

Tough day at the office? Time to get aggressive and really slam it out!

7. Claps

Your workout deserves some applause, don’t you think?

8. Figure Eights

Work your obliques without doing a single crunch.


Crank up the intensity of your battle rope exercises by making them battle-plyo exercises. Add explosive jumps, squats, and lunges into the exercises listed above. For example, turn the shoulder press into a plyo exercise by squatting, then jumping up to an overhead press. Step back into lunges while performing an alternating wave, or add a jump squat.

Battle Rope HIIT

Battle ropes are a perfect for incorporating into a HIIT-style routine. Perform each battle wave exercise for 30 seconds, then rest for 30 seconds before moving to the next. Combining battle ropes with HIIT will provide a fat burning session that will burn fat and help shape your entire body, not just your arms.

Battle ropes are the ticket to lean, sculpted arms and shoulders. If you haven’t tried them yet, it’s time to battle.